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I sighed as I watched Taymor, Glizzy and their friends play basketball.

Yea them niggas was back friends. They talked it out and found a way to blame it all on me. So I guess they hate me or whatever.

I'm not even upset about it at this point. I'm literally at this breaking point.

You ever get in that state where you're sad but you're like too weak to care. You feel lifeless. But you cry? All you want is somebody to notice but you hide it so well you seem normal. But you still expect someone to notice?

That's the story of my life right now. I'll be okay though.

I checked the time on my phone, 4:47, I just wanna go the fuck home and hide in my room. These niggas been playing ball since 2 and they're nowhere near done.

I saw Taymor's sometime ass girlfriend making her way over to the court. My que to go.

I groaned getting off the bench. I was still hurting from the events that occurred 2 nights ago. I honestly think she might've torn my booty hole.

"Where tf you going" Taymor said passing the ball

"Don't worry about where he going. He can care for himself" Miya said walking up to him hugging him

"Just keeping an eye on him like his mom told me too" He said hugging her back

I rolled my eyes and limped away towards the ice cream truck.

Why he worried about me he need to worry about them big ass hickeys on his bitch neck.


I jerked my head as Miya went to kiss me.

"What's wrong bae?" She said frowning

I moved her hair off her shoulder and pointed to her neck.

"That's what's wrong" I said

"Oh baby that's nothing. Somebody dared Keshia to do that at our girls night last night" she said, I could tell she was lying. She always bite her jaw when she lie.

"The lies Miya. You even smell like that nigga you was with. Im so done with you" I said pushing her away from me

"Baby don't be like that. It was a one time accident" she said tearing up

I rolled my eyes. I hate when this bitch get to crying.

"A one time accident I've heard has happened with hella niggas multiple times before"

"Those were lies"

"Pictures don't lie"

"Cmon Tay we can work this out let's not throw away almost 3 years" she said trying to hug me again

I rejected the hug "Nah I'm good luv"

"Are you being this way because of what you and Nahmir got going on?"

How tf she know that?


I went and stood by a tree to eat my ice cream in peace. Ice cream is great. I love it.

I looked up and saw Tay making his way over to me. He had a look of anger and embarrassment in his eyes.

I swallowed hard. He came up to me pushing me against the tree. Making me drop my ice cream. :(

"Why did you tell people about us!?" He yelled getting all in my face

"W-W-What?" I questioned confused

"Somehow Miya knows about us fucking and I know you had to have ran yo damn faggot ass mouth" he grabbed me by my neck

I grabbed his wrist trying to making him let go. His grip only tightened.

"T-T-Taym-mor" I managed to get out in between shortened breaths

I stared in his eyes, felt like I was staring into the devils soul.

His friends running over to us was the last thing I remembered before blacking out.


I woke up from water being dumped on my face. I sat up quickly, coughing.

"He's up!" An unknown voice yelled

I rubbed my neck and stood up. Ignoring all the voices around. I ran.

I ran until I got home. I went inside seeing my mom, Cassidy, Taymor, Jay, Glizzy, and some other people sitting in the living room.

"Hun why are you so wet?" My mom asked

I ignored the question. "I need pain pills" I said

"I have some in my bathroom closet" My mom said

I nodded and made my way to her room. I got there and went in her bathroom to the closet. I grabbed every pill bottle out and walked upstairs to my room and locked the door behind me.

I grabbed a bottle of water out of my mini fridge and sat on my bed dumping out every pill bottle out into a pile.

After I emptied them all out I took started taking them. As many as I could swallow at a time. I drunk my water after a few pills.

I finished the pills and laid back and smiled.

Death sounds the best right now :)


I don't know how to finish this story. But i wanna finish it. It's not good to me anymore.


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