“I think you’re trying to turn her into you” Nicola laughs admiring Paisley’s Newcastle united shirt from Nadine’s knee.

“She is and she may just be succeeding, she said howay the other day”

“Howay!”” Paisley cheers raising a handful of pizza in the air making everyone laugh. “Look Nads” She twists herself around to show her the back of the shirt just like she had done when she was showing Joan when she first got it, she loves it.

“It’s amazing isn’t is Sarah”

“It is” She mumbles with a mouthful of food and Nadine chuckles leaning forward to wipe her thumb over the mess on her cheek. Cheryl’s been a bit more quiet then usual since we left her family behind in Newcastle; I think she’s already starting to miss it. I understand, I couldn’t move away from here, my family and friends.

“Are you alright?” I whisper to her as everyone carries on with the conversation. She turns her head and smiles at me reassuringly.

“I’m fine, just a bit homesick already”

“You’ll see them again soon and it’s not like you can’t pick up the phone or Skype whenever you want”

“That’s true, it feel weird not having a tour to look forward too”

“I bet” I move my arm so it’s resting behind Cheryl’s head on top of the sofa and I bend my elbow lightly stroking her hair. I go back to listening to what everyone’s saying and Cheryl leans into my side.

“We can make new plans, a holiday is well needed I think” I laugh and turn to her realising she’s actually being serious.

“We’ve just taken Paisley out of nursery-“

“We could go away for a bit, have a break. Just you and me”

“I don’t know, Chez…”

“I think we’re entitled to a beak don’t you? At least think about it”

“I will” I kiss the side of her head. She is right, we are entitled to a break but I’m not sure if i want one. Of course a holiday would be perfect but leaving Paisley behind isn’t. I can’t make her miss anymore nursery, going away with her is just not an option although I would love it to be.

“Mummy, he won’t sit” Paisley groans as she looks down at the little fluffy dog stood looking up at her. “Sit Buster!” She tries again but he takes no notice, just like a little someone I know.

“He mustn’t want to sit babe-“

“But I want him to”

“Maybe he will later, do you want to go and get your pyjamas on? Your dad will be here soon and when he’s gone we’ll start our girl’s night”

“I can’t do it on my own” She complains. She leans forwards onto Nadine’s legs and blinks at her.

“I’ll help you, I’ll race you to your room are you ready? 1 … 2…3!” They both run off and I notice a look on Sarah’s face I haven’t witnessed before. She’s sat watching Nadine interacting with paisley and the look in her eyes is of pure love, its weird seeing Sarah like this, she really does have it bad.

“Stick your tongue back in” Nicola jokes noticing the same thing I had.

“What sorry?”

“You’re so in love!” Cheryl squeals clapping her hands and Sarah turns redder by the second.

“Oi!! It’s me that does the embarrassing around here thank you very much”

“it’s adorable, how are things between you both?”

CHIM - Life in the limelightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora