Cubs and a date???

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Serenity's POV

It's been a month, since Alesandro's birthday and since I turned him down, but he still just doesn't know how to give up!!! Week after week, day after day he comes and confesses again and again. It's like the word 'give up' is not there in his dictionary!!!

Now, I'd be lying if I said I don't find him attractive or find myself imagining about his long, unruly and soft silky hair that falls over his shoulders or his smooth lips or his sturdy body. He's the most handsome guy I've ever seen (although there aren't anyone here but him and his dad...) and I may or may not be attracted to his stubbornness and his strong infatuation towards me.

You may be asking why I don't just date him already. That's because, for one, I don't like being told what to do, I want to be free completely and, secondly, I am also bit scared about being betrayed or getting cheated on (I've seen the future, there are many more pretty girls out there just waiting to get laid...)... I want proof that, if I do date or marry him, he'll love me and only me forever. I want proof that what he feels for me is actually love and not just some infatuation or a passing interest . I mean, maybe he only likes me because I'm the only female right now or maybe only because am rebelling and disobeying him. I want him to like... no love me for who I am and with all of his heart...

I was in one of the colder planets helping a polar bear give birth and trying to soothe its pain. It was thrashing around and crying in pain. Luckily the labor didn't take long and soon I was holding two cute twin cubs in my hand. I took them to a nearby stream, after ensuring that the mother bear had gone to sleep and was safe from other animals or monsters, and started washed them carefully which proved to be difficult since I'm basically trying to give two cubs a bath at the same time. I've been helping different animals give birth so I've become pretty good at it.

While I was washing the cubs clean, I felt a powerful presence behind me sitting on a tree. I knew immediately that it was him, Alesandro (since there are only two people with such powerful presence and it can't be his father because his presence is so powerful it can be felt planets away. Only Ales' presence can be felt when he's close by...)

Me (without turning back to look at him): You're really bad at stalking, you know??? You're supposed to make sure I don't notice you...

Ales (jumping down and landing beside me): Trust me, I've tried....

Me: Hmm... And to what do I owe this very pleasant visit...

Ales: Ohh the usual.... Getting you to fall for me or allow me to take you on at least one date...

Me: I figured as much... And you do know I'll still be saying no, right???

Ales (looking hopeful): You'll never know, maybe today you'll say no and tomorrow you'll say yes...

Me: I think I'd know whether I say yes or no...

Ales (pointing to the cubs): You've gotten good at helping them...

Me (smiling): Really??? Here hold this one...

His face turned from smiling fondly to looking horrified. He can't be scared of carrying something he created, can he??? Of course he's not, there's nothing to be scared about...

Ales: What!!! No... I might crush it!!!

Or not... So the great Ales is scared of crushing a cute cub which makes sense, with his strength he could do that very easily....

Me: You're the one who created it, so hold it...

Ales: No way!!!

Me: Hold it...

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