"Ella, we could talk to them, work things out." He tries, wanting desperately to tell her about his plan. "There doesn't have to be any violence."

"There already was." She says coldly. "They speared Jasper for crossing a river. They killed our people when you guys were looking for Octavia. They tired to kill me. I'm your sister Finn, they tried to kill your sister."

"I know!" He admits, shaking his head. "And I won't give them more reason to take you from me."

She lets out a long breath and closes her eyes, tilting her head to the sky momentarily. The lost look on his face when he mentions her possibly being attacked again nearly breaks her. "Finn." She begins before looking back at her brother. "I'm not saying we go out and start a war. I'm just saying that having a few guns around camp to protect us is a good idea."

"Okay." He says backing up. "I guess it's clear we aren't going to agree on this."

"I guess it is." She mumbles pulling her jacket closer feeling the internal chill at the very thin layer of ice seemingly settling between them. He nods, stuffing his hands in his pockets before leaving.

"What was that about?" Bellamy asks when she makes her way to him again.

"Nothing. Just Finn being - Finn." She replies looking around. "Where's Luke?"

He looks behind her with a nod. She turns around to see the young boy approach with a cup in his hands and looks at him incredulously. "Whatcha got there?"

His eyes go wide, looking between her and Bellamy. "Water."

"Mhm." She says taking it from his hands. "Thank you."

"Awe, come on." He whines. "Can't I at least try it."

Bellamy holds in a laugh, looking at Ella and nodding towards the cup. "Why not, beautiful. One drink won't kill him right?"

Ella rolls her eyes and hands Luca the cup knowing full well what Bellamy is anticipating. "I knew you were the cool parent." Luca says taking the moonshine. He bring it to his mouth and takes a drink, immediately spitting it out behind him. "Ew, is that what it all tastes like?"

Bellamy cannot contain his laugh but Ella tries her best to keep her amusement down. "Pretty much." She says accepting the cup the boy is holding out to her. She tilts it back, feeling the alcohol burn it's way down her throat and coughing at its intensity. "Ugh, what did Monty make this from rocket fuel?"

Bellamy smirks when she hands it to him. "Probably." He says looking it over and downing the rest, seemingly unaffected except furrowing his brows. "Yeah, I better make sure none of the gunners take a shot of this."

"You're really just going to keep watch all night?" She pouts making him smile.

"Someone's got to make sure he stays out of Monty's supply." He jokes and Luca shakes his head furiously.

"Don't worry about me." He says. "I'll be in my tent. I'm not going near that stuff again."

"Good." Bellamy says handing him something he pulls from his pocket. "Here's that knife you were looking for, might make carving that rock easier."

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