Chapter 15- Bars and Mistakes

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Niall's POV (gaaasp)
*P.S. i know We don't know if Niall is gay, but let's pretend he is for the sake of the story.*

We had been at the pub for a while and (y/n) was getting pretty drunk.
I was getting kinda concerned about her.
Thomas had left to go to the bathroom and Liam swooped right in.
He was flirting hard core with her. I was getting more concerned. I'm pretty sure he was waisted also. So I went over.
"Liam. Hey dude. Maybe you should let (y/n) be. She is dating Thomas."
  "It's fiiine." He said slurring in his words.
  "Louis. Can you help he get Liam away from (y/n)?" I asked Louis.
"Sure." He quickly responded, standing up.
We eventually dragged Liam away from (y/n).
(y/n) threw herself on me.
"Heeeey Thomaas." She slurred out.
"I'm Niall." I stuttered out.
"Noo, you're not Niall your Thomass."
I was extremely nervous. Not because I like her, but because of what she might do..
"(y/n). I'm not Thomas." I insisted.
"Ya you areee." She said, getting closer to my face. I pushed her back.
"(y/n) trust me. I. Am. Not. Thom-" She ran up and kissed me.
I immediately pushed her away.
"(y/n)!" I shouted at her.
I looked behind (y/n) and say Thomas. He looks confused and heartbroken.
"Thomas. Take her home. She's drunk. I didn't wanna kiss her. I swear."
  "How do I know I can believe you?" Thomas questioned, getting closer to me.
"Be..Because.." I stuttered.
  "Because why." He said, stepping closer.
"Because.." I lowered my voice. "I'm not straight."
Thomas dropped his mouth in shock, but immediately closed it.
"Oh. Ok. I'll-I'll take (y/n) home." Thomas stuttered. I went back over to tell everyone else, while (y/n) and Thomas left. I was worried for Thomas and most of all (y/n).
(y/n)'s POV
I woke up in bed, with a pounding in me head. I sat up, and my headache got worse.
I looked over to my nightstand and saw three things.
A glass of water, aspirin and a note.
I took the aspirin and grabbed the note.

Here is some aspirin. I figured your head might hurt after yesterday. Text me when your awake. I wanna talk.

I was confused, but I quickly texted him.

(y/n):I'm awake.

I didn't get a response, but Thomas entered the room about a minute later.
"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked him.
"Well, I wanna talk about last night."
"Ya, I don't really remember much, it's all kinda fuzzy."
"Well, you got really drunk, and you... umm well.. you kissed Niall." I gasped, and put my hand over my mouth in shock.
"T..Thomas. Thomas. I. I-You know I was drunk. I would never cheat on you." I started rambling, pasting around the room.
"(y/n). I know. I know it was a mistake, but I'm still upset. What if it went further than that. I.. i guess what I'm trying to say is.. I'm-I'm not really sure if I trust you anymore." He said, fading out at the end.
"Thomas. You know i was drunk. I didn't mean to. Honestly. I didn't. I'm really Sorry. Thomas." I insisted.
"I know you didn't mean to (y/n). I know you really didn't. But you still did. I.. i really hate this. God... Umm (y/n). I-I wanna take a break." Thomas stuttered out. I felt my heart shatter in my chest. I didn't cry, but I felt myself start to choke up.
"We're Not Breaking up, I just feel maybe we should take a break. Like a few days for some space, separate room, maybe apartments, just gather ourselves and.."
"Ya, ok. Whatever. If that's what you really want Thomas." I started to get dressed, and then I quickly left Thomas behind.
'I need to find somewhere to stay.' I thought to myself.

Thomas's POV
(y/n) left, and I sat down on the bed. I put my head in my hands and sighed. That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
Even if we're not broken up, I still feel like we are. I sat there for a while and just thought.
'Did I make the right decision. Did I make the right decision.'

TiMe SkIp

I laid down to go to sleep, but it just felt off. There was no other body in the bed. No one else to hold on to and cuddle.
I laid there, unable to fall asleep. I got my phone and opened my photos.
As I scrolled through, I felt my eyes fill up with tears. I quickly wiped them away.
Most of them were of (y/n) and I.
It hurt to see them. But I knew in my heart it was the right decision. We need some space. Some time just to cool off and to regather our thoughts and emotions.
No matter how hard it is.

A/N~ I am soooo sorry about not posting for like a couple months. I haven't had much motivation to write lately so I'm going to post this chapter and then two more which are all written by my very best friend Readerwithobsession so go check her out too! Anyways I'm going to start writing again... i don't know exactly when that will be I just need to figure some things out first. I hope you understand.

~ Mads

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