Chapter 9- part 2

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I got a phone call suddenly.

Y-(y/n) M-Mystery


M-Hello. This is the court of London, England. We would like you, and your friends, Thomas Brodie Sangster, Tom Holland, Dylan O'Brian, Halle Mersin, and Addi Smith to come to the court case of Kaiden Lockhart on Saturday.

Y-Of course, but unfortunately, Addi Smith and possibly Thomas Brodie-Sangster, May not be able to attend.

M-If it is because of an injury, please bring photos.

Y-Of course. See you Saturday.

~Time Skip to Saturday~

"Halle hurry."
"Hold on! I just got one more thing-to-do.. COMING!"
We each had to dress nicely for the court case. I was extremely nervous for 3 reasons.

1. I have to speak
2. I have to face Kaiden
3. Addi won't be there to calm me down

Sure, I'll have Halle, but Addi is the only one who can really calm me down.
Thomas will be there, in a wheelchair. He can't push it himself, so Tom and Dylan have to push it. Seeing him in that wheelchair broke my heart. In that moment something in me clicked, I realized my true feelings for Thomas. I saw him as more than a friend, I loved him.
I hope he gets better soon. Then we can film his scenes and all we have two do if film Addi's scenes.
"Hello! Earth to (y/n)."
"Oh sorry. Lets get going."
~Time Skip~ p.s I've never been in a court before so.. sorry
"Order! Order in the court!" The judge boomed. Everyone immediately silenced. I sat in the prosecution desk, with Halle and Dylan on my right and Thomas on my left, holding my hand. I know it was probably to help my nerves but a girl can dream right?
"First up, (y/n) (l/n)."
I was shaking. Thomas squeezed my hand.
"You'll do great." Thomas whispered to me.
I walked up, still shaking.
Your speech is prepared. You know what to say. You'll be ok.
I thought that over and over in my head to myself.
"Hi, m-my name I-is (y/n), and  I-i-i...." I cut off. I took a deep breath and kept going. "I accuse Kaiden Lockhart of severely injuring Addi Smith, and Thomas Brodie-Sangster and physically abusing me, Halle Mersin, Dylan O'Brian and Tom Holland. He started by Kidnaping us-" I was cut off by a gasp. Oh they haven't hurt anything yet. "-and then beating us each, Thomas the worse. Could I have Thomas, Halle, Dylan and Tom come up here?"
Dylan and Tom immediately got up. Tom grabbed Thomas and wheeled him up. Halle slowly got up and walked towards me.
"These 3 were also physically abused by Kaiden. Thomas being one of the worst. For him, he has 2 broken ribs, a shaft fractured femur, and a minor concussion. He was unconscious for 12 hours before gaining minor consciousness. He is still barely able to speak. I would also like to talk about my friend, Addi Smith. She was shot by Kaiden." Another gasp.
"She is still unconscious and her bullet wound has started an infection. Any sort of germ from outside can make it worse and kill her."
Suddenly I herd a scream "WHATS YOUR PROOF! YOUR PROOF! SHE COULD BE LIEING! THESE ARE ACTORS PEOPLE ACTORS!" I looked over. It was Kaiden. He was messy haired, and he looked insane.
"Actually we have photographic evidence and medical files from the hospital. Tom, if you would please show them to the jury."
Tom grabbed the copies of the medical files and photos of Addi's wound.
"Thank You Miss. (Y/l/n). You and your friends may sit down." Dylan grabbed Thomas's wheelchair and rolled him back to the prosecution desk. Halle and I followed and sat down. Tom came over. I can see how much it hurt him to have seen the horrible infection and state of Addi.
"Now, Kaiden, will you please come up to the stand."
Kaiden didn't stand up. One of the guards wheeled him up to the witness chair.
"I forgot I shot him in the legs." I whispered to my lawyer, James.
"It's fine. It was out of self defense, you can't get arrested for that. He tried to kill you."
"Order. Order in the court." The judge shouted again.
"Now, Kaiden, What do you have to say."
"They Lied. Addi shot herself, and Thomas abused them, so they just hurt him back. I was trying to save them, when Thomas grabbed my gun and shot me in the legs before falling unconscious."
"I OBJECT!" My Lawyer boomed. "As you can see from this video evidence, from an old, bit working, camera in the warehouse, you can see what happened."
My lawyer pulled up the video and it all replayed before me.
Us being dragged in, Kaiden beating each of them, but me, Kaiden dragging Thomas out, and when he came back, Thomas looking awful. Kaiden getting me out. Kaiden tying me to the chair. Kaiden threatening me with a gun in his pocket, obviously seen. Addi getting up. Addi getting out. Addi grabbing the gun. Kaiden laughing, pulling out another, unnoticeable gun and shooting Addi. Me getting up. Me grabbing the gun and shooting his legs. Me putting Kaiden in my glass box and changing the password. Us all escaping.
"Well, the evidence is right here. Thank yo-"
"Wait!" I said cutting off the lawyer. "I would like to know how you hacked our GPS."
"I guess there's no point of hiding it now. Well, that man you bumped into at the coffee shop. That was me. I put a tracker on you and started following you. When you went inside, I grabbed your car keys and went in the car. I put a hacking device on the back of the GPS and it all played back from there."
"Decision making time. Jury, raise your hand if you think that Kaiden Lockhart is guilty."
Everyone raised there hands.
"In that case, I sentence you to 110 years in prison, for kidnap, abuse and attempted murder." The judge banged his mallet on the table "Case dismissed."
We walked out.
"We have to tell Addi that we won!" I said out of excitement.
"If she's awake.." Tom said.
"Oh right..." I mumbled.
We went to the hospital to check on Addi.
"Addi Smith." I asked for.
"You know-" The receptionist started.
"We know, we can't go in, but we would still like to see her."
"Of course, Room 438."
We raced off. Up 4 flights of stairs,(or an elevator for Dylan and Thomas) and past 38 rooms to Addi. She was in a glass room. She looked awful.
She was pale, her hair messy, bruises, scratches, a cast on her arm, and brace on her foot. We can't even see what's under the thin white blanket on top over her. It barely covered her, starting at her armpits and ending at her ankles.
I looked through at her awful state. I could see my hot breath on the glass. Dylan and Halle knew how much she meant to me, so they backed up, taking Thomas with them, and sat on the bench across the hall. But Tom walked up to me.
"You know, she woke up for a bit before she flatlined." He said to me, staring at her.
I looked over at him. I could see the love in his eyes.
"What did she say?" I asked.
"She told me..." he started to tear up "she told me that she loved me too."
"I had just told her how much she meant to me."
I smiled. "I knew you loved her."
"I love her so much (y/n). So much." Tom started crying. Just then the doctor walked out.
"Hello, are you (y/n)(y/l/n)?" He asked
"I'm sorry. Addi is no longer with us."
My whole world crashed. I felt to my knees and just started crying. Addi is gone. She'll never get to date Tom. She'll never get married. She'll never have kids. Never be a grandma. Never die a old age with the love of her life.
Halle and Dylan rushed over with Thomas.
"(y/n) what's wrong!" Halle asked frantically.
"Addi.. is dead." I barely whispered. Halle dropped to her knees and hugged me. Dylan started tearing up. Thomas was barely conscious, but still, I could tell he understood what was going on.
I looked up at Tom. He was frozen in his spot. Suddenly, he snapped out of it. He walked over to the doctor.
"I want you to check again. Check again. I want you to do every test possible. Here's my number," Tom said pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote it down and handed it to the doctor. "I want you to call me as soon as the results get in."
"But sir, that could be past midnight."
"I don't care. Call me no matter the time."
Then Tom walked away and we followed.

~2:00 am~
My phone suddenly started ringing. It was Tom

T-Tom Y-(y/n)



Then he just hung up.

A/N- once again long chapter so I'll have a part 3 soon.
~ Mads

From The Streets •~• a Thomas Brodie-Sangster fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant