Sterile Island

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After quite the time, I finally did an accurate description of Sterile Island near the IOTL... I'm sorry I took so long, but had to think of different types of biomes for it, while still making it... well, sterile.

soo here goes nothing. Also, if you find any grammatical error, tell me, I'll be more then happy to correct myself.


>Sterile Island is a sterile island, situated at east of The Island Of The Lost. No living pokemon ever set foot on it, due to the legends about it, yet it's believed that ancient pokemons used to live there.

>One of the legends, that's been transcribe on TIOTL, enacts that the island was once extremely fertile, offering any type of resources to its inhabitants. It also says that the pokemons that live there used to have a great society, before being erased by the rage of the gods; in fact, in the manuscript there was written about some sort of revenge (which is believed being an eruption) because of the corruption of its inhabitants.

[The other information about the island were brought by some brave guild Pokemon, that offered them selves to explore it, eventually dying a few weeks after they went there, for several reasons. The accurate location of each biome was brought by flying type Pokemon, the only ones that survived, as they never landed on Sterile Island.]

>landscape and biomes: the island is characterized by 5 main biomes (Dragon Spine/head; Yellow Forest; Geyser Valley; Breathless Land; Night Land)

Dragon Spine/Head and main volcano: Dragon Spine is the mountain range the main volcano is part of. The name comes from its similarity to the back of a Dragon type. This mountains are characterized by their volcanic composition and by its absence of any form of life.
The main volcano, which name hasn't been registered yet, is  actually inactive and it has probably been for hundreds of years. At the foot of it there's an entrance, a cave bigger then a legendary, named "Earth Fang" due to its massive stalagmites and stalactites. The inside of such a cave is actually unknown, but it's believed to be something terrifying as it has traumatized the explorers who dared to enter it.

Night Land: situated on the south-west of the island, Night Land is a zone characterized by black clouds that obscure the sun. These clouds are generated by a smaller and active volcano. Due to the absence of sunlight, no plants have grown in the area.

Breathless Land: Breathless Land is situated on the south-east of Sterile Island and its the only side of the island that has a lake. Unlike the other biomes, Breathless Land's air is contaminated by extremely poisonous gas, strong enough to poison even a poison-type. Even the water of the lake is poisonous due to the extremely high presence of fluoride.

Geyser Valley: on the north-east of the island, the territory is characterized by random towers of boiling water, that appear from the ground with no premonition. This phenomenon is usually known as geyser. The presence of such thing prevents life from spreading.

Yellow Forest: on the north-west of Dragon Spine, resides the only prove of life on the island: a big forest, made of burnt skeletons of dead trees and yellow dead grass. It's still unknown in this part of the island plants are unable to grow, since there are proves of its fertility.


UPDATE: to avoid any misconceptions with the moderators, I inform that the silhouette of Giratina, in the drawing, is merely for comparison, being the "Earth Fang" cave bigger of a legendary.

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