My Bodyguard

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"Black Audi car with plate number DAN ...shit.!"

Nancy and Daisy howl at the officer chasing them as Daisy maneuver the car on the right lane, fooling the police on losing them.

"That was a good laugh." Nancy breathed in between giggles. She's panting from laughing so hard.

"Yeah I know right. He even said shit on the speaker."

And they laugh again but then a siren was heard that alerted them.

"Damn this officer deserves a raise. He's good."

Daisy just smirk.

"But not good enough. Hold tight Nancy, this is gonna be a fast and furious ride."

The chase was on across the city bringing horrified feeling on the people they pass by. Daisy was running so fast and so is the officer chasing them.

Nancy was hclutching unto her seatbelt while shouting in enjoyment.

They overspeeded in a pedestrian lane during a red light that caused them to be chased, how tough is that?

Nancy and Daisy both love the rush of adrenaline. They're always in for a badass stuff.


They saw this one on a movie where the chase is on and the person being chased would park smoothly on a vacant parking spot and blend with the parked cars.

It would cause a confusion on the chaser.

Nancy and Daisy wants to try it.

Since the officer was a little far from them, Daisy drifted the car just to rightly fit on the space, smoothly

"Duck." Daisy commanded while they we're both laughing. She turn off the engine and the lights. A little while, the siren and the police car drove pass them.

Now they are laughing uncontrollably, Daisy holding unto her stomach with mouth wide open and Nancy was hitting just anything in the car while laughing wildly.

"Gosh, we should do this always. It was so freaking fun!"

"You tell me.Did'nt know movies could be this helpful. Damn, we just fooled an officer." They both high five.

When they're sure that the officer was gone, Daisy turn on the engine.

"Now where should we go?" Nancy inquired a still smiling Daisy. She was still smiling too.

"Heaven. I need mah girls since I am already hype up and getting hot from all this adrenaline."

"You mean getting laid, right?"

"Oh please Nancy. Don't act innocent now, will you? So, are you in?"

Nancy hit her and chuckle.

"God you're so insatiable. Let's get it!"

Daisy drove them in the bar they usually hang out with. They decided not to get a private room today and just blend in with the crowd of mix people.

Nancy immediately found her prey for tonight.

"Where are you going?" Daisy asked.

"I found a good beef."

Daisy smile at her proudly.

" That fast? Now whose insatiable?"

"Oh shut up. Go get yourself some good meat. And don't forget to use some butter."

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