Life Update (Iknowivedonealotoftheseokleavemealone)

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Right so first- school is going ok. A little rough every now and then but this week is an easy week seeing as its the last week of the first six weeks (for us that means that all the final grades are going in for the first third of the semester)

Second- I JUST FRICKEN BINGE WATCHED VOLTRON IN A SPAN OF THREE DAYS IM WOKE-            seriously tho its a good show (im not gonna get involved in the fandom cause that fandom is a no no) but you should totally watch it the final season comes out in October (klanceiscanonking-longlivelotor)

Third- I have no art because I spent all weekend watching Voltron but hey now I have more fanart to make plus it was a nice little break uwu

fourth- im tryna get into watercolor cause based off everything ive heard watercolor is one of the most fun mediums of art if you can figure it out

fifth- im kind of sleep deprived and my bloodstream consists of sugar now

sixth- .. I cant think of anything else at the moment- so I guess that's it XD

but seriously- I am gonna try and work on some art to post either tomorrow or Wednesday so please be patient with me hnnimsorryyy

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