Y/N: Now isn't really the time to look intimidating Y/N. Your asking for directions. Don't fuck up.

Y/N tried to make himself look as nice as possible. Going over what he is going to say in his head. He walked over to two girls. One was tall with long black hair. With a long skirt and a dress shirt that looked too big for her. The other was much shorter, with short blond hair. She wore the regular uniform. And they both looked like they were watching everything as they walked. As if they were on a patrol of some sort.

Y/N: Hey, I'm lost. Can you two please tell me where the dorms are?

Y/N mentally cursed at himself as he heard his tone of voice shift during his question.

???: Oh! Your one of the transfer students right?

Y/N: Yeah. Y/N L/N.

???: Head down that way. Second Building. You know your room number right.

Y/N: Yeah. Thanks.

???: Let's go Akio. We have a mission to get to!

Akio: Sorry! See you around new guy!

Y/N: Sure.

The two girls left. Following the directions he was given Y/N made his way to his dorms. He saw Arata and Lilith in a nearby window. After a minute of weird gestures between them, they both understood that they were both heading to the dorms. So they decided to meet there.


Y/N squinted his eyes like him and Arata entered the boy's bathroom.

Y/N: The extravagance that this bathroom radiates hurts my eyes.

Arata: I thought your family was loaded.

Y/N: Yeah, but my dad was really into that classic Japanese look. So everything in the compound looked like it came out of some old samurai movie.

Arata and Y/N were getting ready to enter the baths. They thought they were the only ones there, boy were they wrong.

Y/N: Two bros!

Arata: Chilling in the bathroom!

Y/N/Arata: Five feet apart cause there not gay!

The two laughed as they entered the washroom. When they opened the door, they saw a shorter white-haired boy standing in the washroom as well.

Arata: Sup.

???: Hello.

Y/N: Hey.

Y/N and Arata just sat down on a stool, on opposite sides mind you, and started washing.

???: That's body soap.

Arata: Really?

???: Use this one. It's shampoo.

The white-haired boy stopped Arata from putting body soap in his hair. Pointing at the actual shampoo.


Y/N: Did you get it in your eyes again?

Arata: That's not it! Look!

Y/N: I swear if I see a penis when I turn my head...

Y/N turned to Arata but the white-haired boy was in front of him. Y/N looked at the boy, thinking nothing of him.

Y/N: What?

Arata: Look down!

Y/N: Miss me with that gay shit.

Arata: That's the thing! He is a she!

Y/N to his dismay looked down at the boy. What he saw may surprise you.

(Insert Ali-A intro)

Y//N: By the gods...

???: What?

Arata: That's not the reaction you should have! You should be going "KYAAAAA" or something!

???: Ah, maybe your right....kyaaaaaah...

Y/N: Wow. Even I'm not that listless.

Arata just stared at the apparent girl. Not in a perverted way, but as if he had a case of deja vu.

???: My breasts are 82c.

Arata: Oh, I see, I see...

Arata looked at the girl, then down, then he ran.


Arata left, leaving Y/N and the white-haired girl alone. Y/N just ignored the girl and continued to get himself clean.

???: You're not leaving like him?

Y/N: I grew up with having people trying to pamper me. The servants at my place kept offering to scrub my back when I bathed. Some of those times may or may not have been offered by a female. You get used to it.

???: Alright.

The girl left soon after pouring some water over herself. Though as soon as she left Y/N let out a gasp of air as if he was holding his breath.

Y/N: So glad she left. I honestly don't know how long I would've lasted.

Y/N finished bathing and walked out of the washroom. Ignoring the screaming that was going on around him by Lilith.

Y/N: Heh. While it is kinda loud here. I feel like I'm going to enjoy my time here.

Lilith: PUT ON A SHIRT Y/N!!!

Y/N: Why? Don't you like the view?

Arata: Smooth dude.

Y/N: I know right? It just came to me.


Magi of the Trinity(Trinity Seven x Magi: Labyrinth of Magic)Where stories live. Discover now