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Hyaci's POV

       I arrived in school,when my phone buzzed,I looked in the screen -


me:(´゚'ω゚') SLAP!


I texted him,while walking,and then..............


          I chuckled,what if I try to teased her.I smiled evilly,I leaned on a wall and listened to a music in my phone.suddenly I saw Hyaci walking while texting,she didnt look at her way,when she is in front of me,he didnt noticed me and I hit her foot with my foot,and he tripped to the floor,and I didnt catch her,I laughed at her,as the other students laugh too,even Nicole and her friends.She stood up and rolled her eyes,and stared at me with her eyes like a darts that shoots me.I continue laughing,"Next time look at your way,not your phone"I said teasingly.Then she pick up all her things,but he forgot to pick up her handkerchief,and she walked away.I picked her handkerchief,and put it on my pocket.

       (bell rings)

     we went to our classes,and Jake sat beside me,"whats up,bro,I heard that you done a sin again, you tripped a girl.,"he chuckled."Well,its just a trip."I said as I grinned..Our teacher arrived and we started the class.




*(bell rings...lunch time)

I went to the canteen and ordered a food and water.when I got my order I walked to find an available table,while I'm walking,I saw Hyaci with Gema,she stood up and walk to get some juice,I walk to her and I accidentaly poured my water into her shirt,but not an accident,I really mean to do it."Oh my gosh!what the---"she said,as she looked at me and give me a killer eye.I slightly smiled at her,as I chuckled,but not so loud,as she heard my chuckled,"You mean it,right?"she asked angrily."Uum,maybe?!"I said as I chuckled.

           "You---"she said as she walk to the bathroom and change her clothes,her friend followed her.and I heard Nicole laughing at her.she stopped when I looked at her,and she stopped laughing.I take a sit in the vacant table.And start laughing as I realize that I'm hurting her feeling,I get her embarassed.

I feel like I'm guilty.



I went home and I take a shower and wear my clothes and watch.

Hyaci's POV

      I lay down on my bed with Molly(my dog)

I remember what does Chris did to me,I'm thinking how can I revenge.I texted Gema to decide what to do,because she's smart for those things.

Me:hey,what do you think to do to revenge to Chris?

Gema: I think you should do to him,what she did to you.


I fell asleep.


I woked up, and take a shower and wear my dress and a flat sandal,I went down and eat my cereal,when I'm done,I go back in my room and grab my bag.


I arrived in school,and the air blew my hair and the bottom of my dress,that results to form into like a baloon dress,and Chris walked in my front passed me,and I tripped him,and results him to fall in the floor,I smiled evilly at him.I led my hand to him to help him to get up but when he grabbed my hand and started to stood up I losen my grip and he fell down again,the students laugh at him.And then he stood up by himself.And gave me an angry look."Ooops,sorry for that,but I mean it."I said to him,then I looked at Nicole who is looking angry to me.Chris looks annoyed."You-"I cut him off ,"I'm just doing a revenge"I smiled at him evilly,then I walked to my class.

(bell rings)

I texted Gema,

me:I'm done for the first revenge.

My class started.


(bell rings...lunch time)

      I walked in the hallway to the canteen,and I ordered a food and a juice,when I saw Chris walking searching for an available table,and I walked into him and accidentally(but not really an accident I mean to pour it) poured my juice in his white shirt,"Oh,I think the stain is hard to remove"I said to him as I chuckled,"What the-,,,are you trying to pissed me?"he said,"no,I'm just in revenge and making fun of you...hmmm,well,.sorry for that..You started it"I said as I grinned at him...

He rushed in the restroom and he get out of the restroom and hia shirt changed.I take a sit in the table of Gema."Good job"Gema said.I smiled at her"he deserve it"I said.

bell rings and we went in our classes

********(class is over)

I arrived at home,and rest,I take a shower and wear my pajamas,and I fed Molly.then I went down and I ate our dinner,qhen I'm done eating,cleaning the table and taking a brush.I went back to my room and lay down on my bed, My phone buzzed,

Gema:how'd you feel of your revenge?


Gema:At least he was embarassed.


I fell asleep


Hello guys,did you like this chapter?I enjoy writing the revenge part.but I hope you guys enjoy too.


dont worry,this would be more exciting for the next chapters,,,Thanks..:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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