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He finally figured out why he was here,
He wasn't real, a mere illusion of someone else,
Someone who wanted all the bad qualities of himself gone.
His tick, his insomnia , his love for computer games....and his want to kill. He'd given in, accepted his fate.
So that's how he got here,
Standing above someone, someone that was on the verge of dying.
"" He guy managed to ask him.
"Me? I'm a mere illusion, I'm not real, I'm incapable of real feelings and my entire life is a lie. Just more illusions. My entire life crashed and burned, so I accepted my fate. I wasn't born into this world I was thought up.
I don't have parents, or family of any kind because the real me has taken that spot.
My friends don't even remember how we became Friends, why? Because I only came into this world a few years ago. That's who I am." He muttered harshly As he saw the lights leave the mans eyes.
"I'm fake, a copy of someone else, with all their bad traits so they could live happily ever after." He walked away from the body, blood staining his clothing. All the murders he thought were dreams or delusions were all him,
All the Gory things he thought no one should ever do to anyone, were all his doing.
All of them.
He ticked. He always left a clue for the cops, just so they could end his ridiculous life, but they never took the bait, it was like leading a horse to water and then watching the horse look around for it like an idiot.

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