Chapter 5

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'How could it get any worse?' was the official question on everyone's mind that night.

Curdie didn't seem to see the possibility. However, since the universe was destined to prove him wrong on every front that evening, outside the grand doors people could hear the beginning of muffled cries.

Irenie's ears perked up and she stared expectantly at the entrance as everyone else gathered around it too. It was no secret the creatures she had invited to the party, and despite the initial fear, all were very curious to see what a goblin even was.

The well-dressed congregation crept towards the entry as Irenie motioned for the doors to be opened. However, before the servants could even place their hands upon the twelve-foot tall door, the thing was pulled off its hinges.

Gasps of shock and then screams of horror leapt from the other guests, and  Curdie had to place himself between Irenie and the gaping hole. 

In a careless manner, the door, which was now fully detached from the frame, was dropped to the ground with a thundering crash. Another horrified gasp cut through the air as the Prince of the Goblins strode into the room with his own delegation behind him. He had his hair combed back and thick golden bracelets adorned his neck, wrists and ankles. Apparently, he had also forgotten Irenie's warning that shirts would be required.

Froglip swaggered in front of the door, a leer on his face as his bright yellow eyes swept across the frightened attendees. One of Irenie's servants leaned through the gaping hole in the wall and said in a high strung voice:

"Presenting his 'ighness, Prince Froglip... of the goblins."

The hoard he had brought with him cheered exuberantly as the goblin prince puffed out his chest proudly, a smug look on his flat face. The following gasp from the people didn't help either.

Irenie eyed him from afar, her heart still hammering as the princess suffered the traumatizing memories of her first encounters with the prince. However, it was her duty to greet all guests, and it would be rude of her not to do so with the ambassador to the goblins.

She moved past Curdie's arm and took several tentative steps towards the goblin. Froglip saw her immediately and stared at the princess through half crescents his eyes when he looked down at her.

"Prin'theth'," the goblin said in his unique, gut-churning way and attempted a bow.

He snapped up with miraculous speed and began to offer up a stone in his hands. It was a circular grey thing that didn't have much worth but it was apparently a present.

Irenie took it with a very uneasy smile as all her courtiers watched with anticipation. "Thank you ambassador, you are welcome to my party." Irenie curtseyed and pawned the thing off to Curdie who gave a start when the princess threw the rock at him. "Although I might have a couple words with you about my door." Irenie's wide eyes purposefully went from the prince to the gaping hole in her great hall.

Froglip looked over his shoulder and sneered at two goblins who quickly jumped to attention. Next they both picked up the door and slammed it into place although Irenie doubted she'd be able to use it.

It was lucky most of all the guests had already arrived.

She's was going to have to demand Prince Froglip fix it later but that would be a discussion for after the party. Right now it was important to ensure a seamless introduction between the people and the goblins.

"Please..." she said after a moment's pause to see if the door would fall over. "Come in and help yourself to the food." Irenie gestured to the table like any good hostess and led them that way.

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