Mav closes the door behind us, and Cameron and Bill immediately look at us. When his father sees me, he mutters something to Cameron and grabs his keys from the kitchen counter.

"I can go..." I say, to which Maverick holds my hand tighter, glaring at his dad.

Bill shakes his head, and walks around us and out the door.

"Don't mind him," Cameron says, walking towards us and looking very embarrassed, "he's just stressed out."

"No, he's not," Mav says angrily. "He's just upset that his son is dating a guy instead of a girl."

His mom looks miserable and helpless. "Your father is very open-minded."

"Yeah, when it comes to other people," Mav says.

"He'll come around," Cameron says. She tries to reach out a hand to Mav but he flinches away from it.

"Whatever," Mav says coldly. "Come on let's go." He pulls me past his mom and up the stairs to his room, ignoring his mom's stuttered calls after him.

When Mav shuts the door he lets out a long groan. I give him a hug, which he returns bone-crushingly tight.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," Mav mutters, still hugging me.

"Maverick!" Cameron's voice yells from downstairs, barely audible inside the room. "I'm going to find your dad and talk with him. Be back soon!"

We hear the door open and shut, and then silence.

Maverick jumps on his bed. "Finally, some peace."

I climb onto the bed, settling into his open arms. "I had an argument with my dad on Sunday. When I got back home."

Mav perks up with a concerned furrow of his brows. "About being gay?"

"Basically. He doesn't want me to date you," I say, watching Mav's face to see how he reacts. To my surprise, Mav looks more saddened than angry.

"They think I'll hurt you," Mav says. I nod. "Do you believe them?"

"Not anymore," I say, and then I kiss him, tired of all this talk. Mav returns the kiss before moving back, looking into my eyes with that searching gaze.

"So you trust me not to hurt you?" Mav asks, sounding vulnerable. I thread my fingers through his hair, pulling his head back to expose his neck. I press a gentle kiss on his throat.

"I trust you," I say, bringing his lips close to mine again. "And I love you. So much."

"I love you too," Mav whispers, before he kisses me, pushing me against the bed so he eventually ends up on top. Addictive, completely addictive. His tongue brushes against mine, and it's like a match being lit.

My hands slip under his shirt, exploring hot, delicious skin, tracing the flexing muscles that shift under my touch. Our hips move together to a rhythm I know instinctively, that belongs only to me and Mav.

"Does it hurt? Did it hurt?" I ask, suddenly, breathless, when we pull apart. Mav looks quizzical, before it dawns on him.

"On the bottom?" Mav asks, and I can't help blushing at how indecent it sounds. "It hurt, yeah. But it's bearable. After a while it feels better."

"What does it feel like?" I can't help myself. I have to know.

Mav pauses like he's trying to find the right words. "It is pretty painful at first. But then you feel really, like, filled up, if that makes sense. And it's nice. It wasn't perfect, yet, but I could tell that after a few times it would feel amazing."

"Yeah?" I say, my voice faltering. Mav bites his lip like he's considering telling me more. "You can tell me anything, you know."

"There's something about it. Maybe it's because I had to trust you so much. It was very...intimate," Mav says, flushing pink. I trace his bottom lip with my thumb.

"Fuck me." The words come out before I even think them. Mav's eyes widen, and his pupils dilate. "Please," I whisper.

"It hurts," Mav says.

"I know."

"It's not like being on top. You're not in control."

"It's okay," I say.

"You trust me?" he asks.


"You want to? Are you sure?"


He kisses me. Gently. Too gently. I hook an arm around his neck like I did the first time we kissed and pull him close. Mav groans into my mouth, a sound of total abandonment, and deepens the kiss.

From there, everything happens quickly, passionately. Clothes get thrown across the room, Mav's khakis managing to land perfectly around the door handle.

And then I'm opening for him, feeling that sharp knife of pain, followed by soothing whispers and a feverish, scolding kiss that overlaps the burning sensation below. I understand it when he's fully inside me, his hips rolling above me, that fullness, that closeness. Mav's essence seems to pour into every part of me, from the inside out, like a tsunami that rises from somewhere inside me.

The pain is as intense as the pleasure, but I trust Mav, so I hold on to him and ride out the wave for as long as I can. 

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