He whipped around, almost knocking over several jars as he did so, "What's a big yes ... Exie - "

"The Immortelle Flowers, you said it and I saw them ..." Her brow furrowed, "Do you have ... future powers or something?"

James shrugged, "I don't know but I honestly wouldn't be surprised - "

"Stop goofing around in there!" This time they didn't even jump as Peter poked his head in. His tone was unusually forceful though earning him a quizzical gaze from them, "What? Sirius said I sounded too nice before and had to step it up."

"Okay, let's get the flowers and go ..." James' face fell as he noticed Exie peering upwards, her hand resting above her squinted eyes. Quickly, the problem which she'd noticed moments earlier dawned on him too. There were Immortelle Flowers in abundance ... on a shelf about a meter above them. For a moment, they stood in stony silence, pondering the problem. Then James exhaled sharply, interlocking his fingers in a limbering stretch before kneeling down.

"James, are you proposing?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, "Because I'd rather you take me out to dinner fir ..." Exie cut herself off as an exciting possibility dawned on her, "Hold on, are you planning to catapult me? Because if yes, I love it and can this be my method of travel from now on."

"Don't you think if I could do that, I would have by now? 'Fraid it's just a leg up as we all know you have the upper body strength of a sloth," Their heads snapped to the door in time as a strange shout emanated from the corridor. They didn't have time to worry about this though, Exie hastily using James' head for balance before putting a foot on his hand.

"A sloth? I wish! They hang onto trees all day, James, they could beat you any day," She murmured, giggling slightly as, through a combination of pure muscle and her other foot resting on the edge of a shelf, James successfully lifted her up high ... although not quite high enough. They were still too far above for her to see with ease.

"Can ... you ... see the ... flowers?" His strained voice came out in gasps from the physical feat he was accomplishing below. From outside, it sounded as if someone was arguing but neither of them paid it too much attention.

Whilst James was practically dying, Exie was having a whale of a time, finally experiencing tallness for the very first time, "Hey James, ask me how's the weather up there? You know, 'cause that's what you do to tall people," He let out another strangled groan, "Sorry ... forgot about the urgency. I know where they are but I can't see them as such - "


"James, I'm really trying. Rome wasn't built in a day," She stretched her arm up and began to feel around the shelves for the right jar, "I think I've got it ..." Her fingers tightened around the glass, slowly pulling it forward, "You're doing great, just a little longer - "

"I ... know ... I'm great," James whimpered.

"You're eggs-cellent then - "


"Peter!" They both exclaimed in unison as the door suddenly burst open, light flooding onto them suddenly as a silhouette stood bold in the doorway. 

However, horror quickly dawned on her along with a vaguely terrifying realisation, "That's not Peter!"

It looked as if the figure was about to say something but Exie's attention was quickly drawn to a more pressing issue. Beneath her, James let out a strange gasp, managing to force the words  "Exie, just ... grab the bloody ... flowers!" out before leaning precariously.

[1] Exie Attia is one of the Boys ✓ | LILY EVANSWhere stories live. Discover now