part two

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Wow. That's all Aubrey could think. She was prepared to grill Legacy's father, whom she had never even met before, but instead was faced with one of the most disarmingly beautiful girls that she has ever seen. Yes she had what Aubrey Posen would call "ear monstrosities" and dark eyeliner, but the familiar hue of her eyes, which were almost identical to Emily's caught her off guard. She was speechless. That's a first.

Recognition lit up in the unknown girls eyes and she smiled down at Emily before pulling her into a tight embrace. That eventually led to Emily becoming a giggling mess as she evaded tickles from the older girl. Aubrey almost felt like she was intruding and made to leave, but was stopped by the mystery girl.

Now that Emily had entered the house and could be seen in the background fixing a bowl of lucky charms despite it being 8pm, Aubrey was caught under the spell that was--

"Beca Mitchell." She stuck her hand out, which Aubrey was surprised to find slightly calloused, but familiar. She must play guitar, the blonde thought to herself.

"And you are?"

"Aubrey Posen, Bellas Scouts Troupe Captain."

"Aren't you kind of young to be a troupe captain?"

"The youngest ever actually. I have been awarded by every living president personally for my accomplishments with the Bellas."

Beca smirked at the blondes response. "Impressive. Thanks for bringing my sister home. I can give you gas money if you'd like."

"No that's quite alright, I would like to talk to the head of household though." Aubrey came there on a mission.

"That would be me for the time being, so if you'd like to come in Ms. Posen—"

"Aubrey is fine."

"Alright Aubrey, you can come in and chat over some coffee."


And so Aubrey entered the Mitchell home for the first time, but something says that it may not be her last.

Beca started up the coffeemaker and gestured for the blonde to join Emily at the island.

"I have to make a brief call and then I will be right back. Em don't forget to actually chew your food, chipmunk." And with that she was up the stairs.

Aubrey was simply gazing around, noticing photographs when Emily finally spoke up.

"Thanks for bringing me home Bree. Also that's Beca, the greatest big sister in the world." That brought a smile to the troupe leaders face.

"I bet."

Meanwhile upstairs...

"Okay change of plans Stace, you don't have to pick Em up."

"Wait why? Did something happen?"

"Oh nothing, just that Em's absolutely gorgeous Scout Captain Leader whatever just drove her home and is waiting in my kitchen to talk."

"You devil, how old is she dude?"

"I'm guessing around our age, she's the youngest person ever in her position."

"Wow that's impressive."

"That's what I said!"

"So now that you've apparently replaced me as your local eye candy, are you going to make a move or what?" Stacie sounded a little off, but Beca barely noticed the change.

"Stace, I just met her, I don't even know if she is gay. Plus, despite how beautiful she is, I don't want to risk messing anything up for Emily."

"Becs you're a good sister. Well good luck with your talk."

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