There's a Point Where It Tips..

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"ALRIGHTY HOTSHOT!!! SEE IF YOU CAN TAKE ON THIS!!!" Mettaton grinned as he flew forward, slashing his legs in twirling scissor kicks, powerful shockwaves blasting out from each leg motion that was tremendously powerful kicking motions..

Miyoko's lightning dragon talons suddenly let out a tremendous blaze as red flames cloaked them from her use of Haki in her legs. "SPARK STYLE: DIABLE JIAMBE!!!"

Miyoko hurled out a powerful barrage of electric flaming kicks, blocking and parrying each one of Mettaton's powerful attacks. 

"Oho!! Those are some moves!!!" said Mettaton as he flipped back, dodging a powerful slashing kick from Miyoko. "But.. can you do it.. WITH STYLE!!!?"

Mettaton did a swiveling pose, before twirling and sliding onto his side, doing a lie down pose, grinning at Miyoko as he did so. "Come on.. this battle is swell, your moves definitely hit that bell.. but can you do a fabulous pose.. OH I SO DO PROPOSE!!"

(somewhere in the Omegaverse, Killer B looks up and claps)

"POSE POSE POSE POSE!!!" yelled the crowds of fans.. as multiple spotlights opened up on Miyoko. 

"U.. uh.." Miyoko stammered, going purple in the face from stage fright. "I.. I'm just here to beat you THAT'S IT!!"

"OH!? You say you're here to beat me.." said Mettaton. "But how can you hope.. to even TRY to beat an Entertainer.. if you can't entertain BETTER!?"

Mettaton jumped back to his feet with a dancing twirl. "HAHAHAHAH!! TELL THEM MY FANS!!!  Let us show her.. that it is the fans that give us Glamourous ones POWER!! HAHAHAHA!!"

Mettaton began dancing as the spotlights all fell on him. "HERE THE PEOPLE SING TO THE GLAMOUR I BRING!!"

"METTATON METTATON MET-TA-TON!!" the crowds chanted. 

"Do they all rehearse this stuff?" Miyoko muttered. 

"You must admit.. although.. I put on a marvelous show.." sang Mettaton. "Now the games must end... now GOODBYE.. MY FRIEND, We've grown distant true.. but the first thing I'll do.. When from the ground I crawl.. is finally CLAIM.. IT.. ALL!!"

"Is he just gonna sing now or fight?" muttered Solomon.

"There's something way off about this.." said Yang. "Miyoko! Don't bother listening to the music, just take him down now!!"

"Anything to end this freak show.." Miyoko muttered with a shiver, before charging forth at tremendous speed. 

But as Miyoko charged, the fans all started to sing to Mettaton in perfect chorusing harmoney.

"You're here to stay, you're our hero Mettaton
You're the Guild City's Number One and Only Star,
The show must go on, so please fight on Mettaton,
Here in this crowded place, We know that you'll go far!
The Cheers of your fans give you power Mettaton,
As you pose and you boast, we know you have it all!
We've been with you from the start, sweet Mettaton
Please Mettaton, Please won't you take my call

"They're.. singing!?" stammered Caulifla. "SERIOUSLY! How long did his FANS rehearse this with him!? How long have they BEEN here!?

"Wait.. look!!" said Yang as strange rainbow energy began to stream from the crowds of fans and go into the stage. "That's now ordinary stage.. it's... taking energy in from the cheering? Okay that is.. WEIRD.."

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