Love Defines All

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Young Country Music star Luke Bryan had been with his girlfriend Savannah for about a year, but he'd just let all of that slip away, when he'd walked out slamming the door behind him, after a major fight. Luke got into his truck and just drove,  he couldn't believe it she'd just accused him of choosing his career over her, which was not true because he'd just landed his first record deal and was in the process of recording songs for the album. For now he brushed all of that aside and continued until he got to his friend Jason Aldean's place. Jason was watching a rerun of something on TV, when he heard a truck pull up outside, he went over to the window and had a lookk seeing that it was Luke's truck,  he went over and opened the door, before he even knocked on the door, "Can I stay here for the night", said Luke.  "Sure just crash on tbe couch do I even need to ask what happened" said Jason, shutting the door behind Luke. " You'll find out anyway, Savannah just acussed me of chooding my career over her,  and things just escalated from there onwards". "Please tell that you didn't bring Caroline into things". "I didn't but Savannah did". "But why do I get this feeling that your going to do something stupid". "I would never do such a thing". "Only time will give us that asnwer between you and Caroline and you didn't tell Savannah, tht you were comi g here". "No and please don't,  Jason I need time to think if it's all worth saving". "Whatever you say Luke".

Back at home Savannah sat on the couch crying,  she couldn't believe tht Luke had just walked out on her, then again she had been the one to accuse him of choosing his career over her and things had escalated when she'd told him angrily that he'd be better off with Caroline, since she was always hanging around, and now Savannah didn't know if Luke was with her, or at some bar somewhere, orvwith one of his hunting buddies. She just figuref that maybe he would return home in the morning, but for tonight she was sleeping alone. 

At Jason's place Luke lay awake on the couch thinking, why don't you just be with her, since she's always around and you never got over her. Savannah had said that to him, right as he'd walked out the door.  Maybe she's right, maybe its been Caroline along and I've just been too blind to see it. Luke did recall the fact that he did often spend a lot of time in the hnting store where she worked,  when he wasn't working on his album or out hunting with Jason and rest of the guys. Why don't I go and see Caroline in the morning , regardless of where my relationship with Savannah stands at the moment, thought Luke before he fell asleep.

The next morning when Jason got up, he was surprised too see that Luke was already gone, but there was a note left on the kitchen bench from here, Guess you'll know where I am Jason, but if Savannah shows up tell her that I'm out hunting. Jason put the note down and thought, when this all goes south on you Luke buddie,  I'll be the one stuck in the middle who has too clean up the mess, but that's what friends are for.

Luke arrived at the hunting store, he was glad that his truck, was the only one in the parking lot, he walked into the store and pretend too look aroumd forba while, before finally getting the courage to go over to the front counter where Caroline was and too Luke, she looked really cute dressed all in camo, Go going hunting later" said Luke leaning on the counter.  "Something like that" said Caroline, compared to Savannah,  she had blonde hair and loved hunting and bring in the outdoors, she also wasn't afraid too break a nail. Caroline worked in her families Hunting Store, which was the only one in the County, she had always had a thing for Luke and they had dated briefly before he had gone back to Savannah and she'd been single ever since. "Come too by something Luke or look at what's on offer". Too look at what's on offer and by that I mean you Caroline". I know what you meant Luke". "So come hunting with me today". Won't Savannah have something too say about that". "That doesn't matter right now, what does is wanting to give us another chance". "I'll go this once, but only because I was going to go hunting later on anyway and because I still really like you Luke". "Still can't resist me can you Caroline". "The same goes for you Luke", she said looking at him. What both of them didn't know was, that this day would be the beginning of their relationship for years too come.

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