Chapter 5

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The air felt thin, cold as well. I could see nothing but pure darkness. It was silent, which I guess can be peaceful. I didn't know where I was, I didn't want to know. It just felt dead. I couldn't feel any flooring below me, just felt empty. just me floating in the middle of nowhere. With a good minute or so, I could hear some what of someone walking. It was getting louder and louder so I knew it was coming toward me. From where I was at, I couldn't do anything but accept my fate with Death. He was going to decide whether I go to Heaven or Hell. Then, a bright light bloomed in front of me, blinding me in the process. It wasn't long  before I could readjust my vision.
"Who are you?" I asked in a non hopeful tone. "Are you Death itself?"
"No, far from it if you can believe." She responded.
"Why does your voice sound so familiar?" I asked her.
"We've met before back at the party." She responded.
I still couldn't see who she was or who I could connect the voice to. "What do you want from?" I asked, still with a non hopeful tone.
"To give you a warning." She responded. "A warning that danger is heading your way." 
I looked confused at what she meant by that, I was dead so how could I possibly be in any danger whatsoever?
"What do you mean by that?" I asked her. "Aren't I already dead?" 
"No, you're still pretty alive. you're just in a limbo state." She responded. "You need to wake up now Chase."
"Wait what?" I asked surprised.
"Wake up before it's too late." 
"How can I do that?"
After she said that once again, I instantly woke up in a dark room in a hospital. There were lights but no one I could see working on this floor. I looked at myself and saw sweat sliding down me arm. I my chest hurt, though it slowly relaxed itself. I lied back down to calm my nerves. I looked back at the door way in front of my room, I saw a black figure. His eyes were bright red, which made me smile. It was Ray, or I thought it was. No other human but him has those eyes.
"Ray, it's good to see you man." I said. 
He stood there with no response, then he began moving towards me. 
"What happened to me?" I asked.
Still no response and continued to walk toward me.
"Ray?" I called out.
The dark figure just stood in front me about a foot away. The lights from my windowed shined a part of his face, which revealed his wicked smile. I was extremely confused why he would have that smile. I looked over at his right arm, it had spikes of some sort popping out of it, red energy could be seen too. I looked at him with horror in my eyes. His grin was still there and he chuckled a little.
"Ray what's going?" I asked in a scared tone.
"Time for you to be reborn." He said finally.
Without hesitation, his right hand stabbed straight through my chest. It was a pain I never wanted to experience. It hurt more than I could imagine. Blood flooded my mouth as I was slowly dying. 
"W-why?' I asked with the little strength I had left.
"You'll be needed for a special purpose." He responded. He then pull is hand out of my chest and began to walk away. I good here the heart monitor going off as I was dying. I was seriously dying, I didn't know why. As my eyes began to drift again into darkness, I could still see his evil grin.

Light breached my eyes again and it was the sun this time. I sat up and turned my head and saw Ray sitting in a chair beside me. He looked up at me and then smile. He walked over and I instantly panicked. I could still see the wicked grin from his face.
"Woah, why the hell are you acting like that?" he asked in confusion.

I quickly began to calm down and felt my chest. There wasn't a hole nor was there any sign of me being attacked. Was it a nightmare? 
"I just had a horrible nightmare." I responded finally.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I-I thought you killed me." I responded with a little hesitation.
"heh, why would ever kill you?" He asked with an awkward smile.
"I don't know, it's just that you said I had a purpose and than pierced my chest." I explained.
Ray thought about it for a moment, then he looked at me.
"Well it was just a nightmare, you're fine." He said with a smile still. 
I still felt uneasy but relaxed a bit more. 

As I lied down again, I saw a girl walk into my room, it was Dawn. I quickly sat back up when she walked in.
"Uh um, hi Dawn." I greeted awkwardly.
"Are you alright?" She asked a little frightened.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, how did you know I was here?" I asked.
"I called her." Ray responded quickly.
"He told me you lungs failed when he was driving you home." Dawn added.
Well, that explains why my chest hurts. I looked at Dawn and I instantly dazed off while looking at her. Then out of no where, Ray smacks my face which automatically wakes me up. 
"Anyway, the doctor said you should be able to return to school tomorrow." Ray mentioned. 
"That's great." I said.
They both nodded and smiled. 
"Well I got to run, glad to see you're alright." Dawn said with a smile and walked off.
I looked at Ray which he did look tense about something but I was unsure what it could've been.
"I have to go to, I have to meet up with Kendall for our date later today." Ray mentioned.
"Well you two have fun." I said with a cheerful voice.

The next day, I never felt more energetic in my life. I felt stronger and more hyped and I didn't know why. As I was walking, I bumped into Ray and his group. I was about to greet Ray, but I looked into his eyes. His red eyes weren't just red eyes anymore. I could see flames, chains, screams of horror in them. I feel down and screamed in horror. Ray looked at me with a straight face as he watched me. He then looked at his crew.
"All of you can go without me, I got to handle this." Ray said.
They all began to leave, then Ray called out to one of them.
"Mark, we need to talk later today." He said.
Whoever Mark was nodded and left. 
Ray than turned to me.
"Calm down, I know what you're seeing." Ray assured.
"What the hell are you!" I yelled at him.
"Well lets say we're not humans." Ray responded.
"What do you mean we're?" I asked. "I am human."
"No you're not Chase." Ray tried to explain.
"Oh yeah! Than what am I." I asked with an angry tone.
Ray sighed at how I was acting.
"You're...a demon." 

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