Chapter 10

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Paige sucks major monkey balls ;*

Mercedes ended up going home that night because her mom called her to come help her paint something, I don't know. Her mom is weird. Her mom was also in the Marines so she's kinda always on edge. I can't walk into her home without her mom trying to chuck a throwing star at me. Oh did I mention her mom's also a black belt in karate? And she taught Mercedes everything she knows? Yea, her family is scary. Her dad, not so much. He's one of the laid back dads. In fact, he keeps their family sane. I don't even want to imagine their household is her dad wasn't there.

"Hey, I'm outside. Hurry your ass up." I scoffed at Spencer pushing over the phone. I don't even have on my clothes yet, why the hell is he here so early? I yelled out a quick "I'm coming" and hung up the phone. I looked over the clothes I picked out, wondering if I should pick a different outfit.

I picked out my Ghost Town T-shirt with the Monster girl on it, some bright green skinny jeans with chains hanging off of the side. Green since the shirt is mostly white and green, some black and white vans, and my black beanie hiding my hair I was too lazy to fix. Translation: I just swooped it too the side with my fingers. Eh, I guess I look ok. I shrugged on my outfit in a hurry, quickly spraying on some cologne so I don't smell like donkey butt, even though I just took a shower. I heard my phone ringing, telling me that Spencer was calling. I picked up and shouted out "I'm walking out right now" and shoved my phone in my pocket, hanging up along the process. I grabbed my wallet, making sure there was enough money in there and I jogged out my room, bumping into my dad.

I was already late as it is so I shouted out an "I'm sorry!" over my shoulder, shoved the granola bar I left out on the counter in my mouth, and left the house. I walked over to Spencer's car parked in the driveway. chewing up my basically gone granola bar. I sent him a smile before putting on my seatbelt.

Hey, I wonder why my dad never asked about this. I mean I know he saw the car in the driveway, it's kind of hard to miss it. So why didn't he ask? Meh, might be better to not know. I don't want to trigger a rage beat down. Also come to think of it, he hasn't pounded on me in a while. I'd say about a week. Is that suppose to mean he finaly noticed he can't beat the gay out of me or is this the cliché 'calm before the storm'? Oh goodness, is something worse going to happen?! What if he stabs me or something? I wouldn't put it behind him.

"Hey, what took you so long?" I turned to see Spencer looking at me with amusement in his eyes. Why amusement? Is there something on my face or something? Do I have a stain on my clothes? I started looking at my shirt and pants, making sure there aren't any marks on it before I heard him chuckle softly before he leaned over and started wiping my face off.

I held my breathe for two reasons,

1.) he's reaaallllyyyy close to my face like I can feel him breathing through his nose and

2.) why the hell is he wiping my face? ._.

He finished wiping at my face, staring at my face a little longer before nodding and leaning back in his seat, starting the car. So you're just not going to tell me why you wiped my face or...?

"You have crumbs."

"What?" I raised a brow at him for the sudden statement. What crumbs? Did he mean like on my face? Oh my lordy Jesus, did I have crumbs on my face from my granola bar?! I hope not, that would've been embarrassing.

"You had crumbs around your mouth from your granola bar."

Well fuck.

I blushed and turned to look out the window, not wanting Spencer to see how bad I'm blushing. As I stared out the window at all the stores and trees passing by I started to think. About me and Spencer mostly. Like are we dating? Are we seeing each other? Or are we just like good friends? I mean I wouldn't mind Spencer being my boyfriend but I would be scared to. Stupid reason I know but think about it.

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