Chapter 9

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I spent all night on the phone with Mercedes and texting Spencer every now and then. I didn't talk them much on the phone, me and her just talked about what's been going on lately. oh and band members. There's always time for band members. Yea...

"Dude, I should spend the night! When's the last time I did that? It'll be so fun, yea let's do that!" Mercedes? Spending the night? Here? I mean it's not like I don't want her to come over here, it's just for that to happen I would have to ask my dad and I haven't picked out my coffin yet so no. I'd rather not. I explained why it wasn't a good idea but since she doesn't listen to me, of fucking course, she came up with better idea's.

"Well then, how about I ask him? He can't say no to me."

"He can and he will."

"Don't be a negative nancy, assfuck." I rolled my eyes at that, not even bothering to reply to her. I sighed and got up to dig through my draws, getting out my laptop so I could check my FaceBook. I grabbed my apple macbook and sat back down on my bed.

My dad may be a suck ass father but he did love me before, showering me with gifts so I do have some nice stuff but since I got them a while ago, I try to take care of them since I know I won't get anymore anytime soon. I turned on Marcy, yes I named my laptop, fuck off. I typed in my password, waiting for it to start up. I zoomed back into what Mercedes was blabbering about, apparently talking about the new Spiderman or Batman or who the fuck ever. I don't know. I don't care for superheros like them. I just don't think they're as interesting as everyone makes them out to be but what do I know?

I went on Google chrome and typed in FaceBook, signing in to see nothing interesting. Just people being stupid as usual like you're  what, twelve? And you're smoking some weed like where the fuck are you parents? You still need permission to go on Club Penguin probably. Peasants. I scrolled down some more, getting bored and I was about to logg off till I remembered Spencer. I wonder does he have one?

I went to the search bar, adding in the occasional "yea" and "that's amazing" into the phone so Mercedes knows I'm kind of listening to her. I'm not, that's a lie.

I typed in Spencer's name and sure enough, a Spencer Yeakinsov popped up with him posing next to a car. I think it was a Ford GT. I don't really care either but the car made him look sexy so I guess it's alright. I scrolled through his profile, looking at his information I can see without being his friend. I went through his pictures, licking my lips at some of them and ,most likely drooling but oh well.

Wow. I am such a stalker. I'm sitting here, on the phone pretending to listening to someone who has diarrhea of the mouth, looking at a guys FaceBook page I met almost two weeks ago. No regrets.

After I decided I stalked him enough, I sent him a friend request and went back to my newsfeed, scrolling past everything out of boredom.

"-nd then she had the right to call her a bitch? Like what the fuck? I'll eat you with a side of BBQ sauce, ya crusty tater tot." What the fuck is she even talking about. I was about to reply before a knock come upon my door and my father barged in anyways with no remorse. You cock weasel, what if I was naked. Perv.  I told Mercedes to shut the hell up for a minute before I muted the phone, answering him with a "what", not bothering to look at him.

"Hey, I'm having people over so clean the house before I shove my foot up your ass. I'd bet you like that wouldn't you fag?" I rolled my eyes shaking my head to tell him I'll do it before I remembered something.

"Hey dad, wait up!" He walked back in, looking agitated that I called him back in my room. The hell is his problem. I just want to ask him a question, damn. He crossed with arms, raking me up and down with a disgusted glare before he raised his brow, silently asking what I wanted.

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