"Iris! We have been trying to get in contact with that asshole for fucking months!" Ryder yells, making me jump slightly.

"I tried to warn you, Iry." Mason mumbles before he rolls over, turning his back towards me.

"We called him a hundered times, alright?" Ryder carries on shouting. "We went to his home. We went to Kim's. We wrote letters. We contacted Paul Rosenberg and the rest of his friends, we got fucking no where!" Ryder yells as he sits up. "You wanna know why?" He shouts. I swallow hard as I look away from my twin brother and down at the piece of paper between my fingers. "You wanna know why, hu? Do you?" He hisses this time.

"No-" I say quietly and get cut off.

"Because he doesn't give a flying shit about us! He doesn't care about us! He doesn't care about Milo, Jameson, Noah or mom!" He shouts.

"That's not true, Ryder." I say and hear him let out a laugh.

"Look at me, Iry." Ryder says calmly. I blink away tears and swallow slowly before I look at him. Ryder shakes his head when he notices my tears. "He's Noahs dad, Iris. They're flesh and blood and we....We were just adopted, alright?" Ryder says.

"Ry, come on man." Mason says.

"No, Masey. She needs to fucking get it through her thick head." Ryder says quickly as he looks over me and at his bestfriend.

"You don't gotta talk about her like that. Chill the fuck out." Mason says but all Ryder does is ignore him.

"We're adopted." Ryder sighs as he looks back at me. "Mom tried to contact him a million times to tell him about Noah. She lefts messages after messages and no reply from that motherfucker." He shrugs.
"He doesn't give a shit about his own flesh and blood, what makes you think he cares about us two? The two kids he doesn't even fucking raise, hmm?" Ryder says. His eyes get flooded by tears and he doesn't bother wiping them or blinking them away.

I sigh lightly as I shake my head. I stand up and step over his legs that are covered by the duvet before I step off the bed. I walk to the door and pull it open before I walk out of his room, slamming the door behind me.
(End Of Flashback).

I stay quiet as dad places a cup of hot chocolate infront of me and smile lightly. He places a diet coke can he got for himself from the vending machine on the table before he takes a seat across me. I smile lightly as I wrap my hand around the warm paper cup.

"Hot coca with a three extra spoons of sugar." Dad says as he opens his can of coke.

"You remembered." I state.

"Course I did." He shrugs. "I actually never met anyone that likes their warm drinks that sugary." He adds, making my smile spread a little. Dad's smile slowly fades away when his hands land on the cast over my arm "It's nothing." I say as I hide my arm under the table.

I sigh when dad clears his throat and looks away from me. He shakes his head as he clenches his jaw and looks at the far wall.

"You're in fucking pa-" Dad starts and quickly stops.

"I'm not the same 16 year old girl that you tried not to swear infront of." I state. Marshall nods slowly as he smiles and shakes his head.

"Right. You're not 16 anymore." Dad states.

"No." I sigh and smile a little.

"Damn....You and Ryder have grown so fucking much." Dad says.

"You should see No-" I start and stop. Don't mention Noah, dumb ass! "Jameson. You should see Jameson." I correct myself.

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