Dear Best Friend: Before I Met You

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To start, I know that you probably don't know me by my screen name, and that there is a chance that you may never see this and even if you do, you might not realize it's about you...

There is so much that I need to say, and like hell I will share it with the damn world so they all know that people like you exist and more people should aspire to be as awesome as you. Best Friend, if you are reading this, please finish the entirety of this.. love letter? appreciation letter? Exposing story? I don't know what to call it.

I don't know where to start to explain to you how much you have impacted my life more than anybody I have ever known.

Let's start at the beginning, right before I met you.

Before I met you, I was this little preteen fresh out of primary school. We all started high school back in 2012, seems so long ago now... I started school with so many new fresh faces and some familiar ones, but the only person I would call a "friend" walking into school on that first day was someone I've known since birth. Lets call her Tara.

After you, I learnt to truly appreciate Tara a lot more... And so many others...

Let's face it, everyone when they start school is a bit of a dick. Me? Well I was one of those kids that knew nothing about the world, but knew so much more about the world at the same time. I was curious about so much, but I was always the one that fell behind. Before you, so basically primary school, I struggled with school so much. Ever since my first day of Kindergarten I had always copied the work from the person who sat next to me, cause I was always confused and never understood...

I lied to my friends and family, kept everything bottled up and never really spoke out about anything. Some kids at school were scared of me because they thought I was mean( I don't blame them I did give a lot of empty threats so I wouldn't get picked on).

Fast forward to starting High School. I was still that same kid... but I was dead set on starting fresh and being a new person.
I wanted true genuine and fun friends, people who could make me laugh and people who I could create memories with. I also still copied your work, sorry.

You weren't my first friend in High School, you were the second friend I made. I met you through the first friend I made, let's call her Sandy. You and Sandy had gone to the same Primary school, so like Tara and I stuck by each other when we started school that day, you and Sandy did the same.

I didn't know it then, but this group, you, me, Sandy and Tara would always be hanging out for the next few years.

Sandy invited me and Tara to eat lunch with her and her friend, you. That's when I first met you. But I had seen you before, earlier in the mornings before school started, because we both came to school way before anybody else ever did... That's the time when we would bond..

The next day you found me in the morning sitting on a ledge, you sat with me and I guess that's when our friendship truly started. Every day for the next 4 years we sat together peacefully in the morning and just talked, listened to music... before the rest of the "squad" came along. We were placed in the same class together, and for the next 4 years, we were in every class together, almost every class.

We sat together during all our classes, we sat together at lunch and we texted everyday after school. We became best friends....

Before you, I never felt comfortable saying that Tara was my best friend. I never felt comfortable saying that I loved someone. I never had a real connection with anyone before. You were the first person I had never lied to.

Now days I get told I'm wise beyond my years, I had learnt that from you. Because before you I was someone who lied to everybody around me, I didn't talk to my family. I didn't know how to feel, I didn't know how to express what I was feeling. I didn't know how to be a nice person, like you. I learnt a lot about myself through the years.

You showed me kindness, love, fun, care and so much more.

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