White Knuckle

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<"(y/n), remember tonight is just a test run, don't get to crazy out there. I don't know how well the suite will hold up. This is the first time it's been field tested.">

"I know Rose, that's the fifth time you've told me that."

<" well you have a habit of not listening to me when I tell you things. Do you remember your bracers?">

"Haha I forgot about those. But either way lets do this. I'm ready to go serve up some justice." I pound my fists together.

<"if you pull down the visor we can start."> I pull down the high tech visor, and I can see perfectly even though it's night. <this Visor lets me see everything you do, and I can even do this."> Rose appears in front of me. "Calm down It's just a hologram, I'm mot really there. It's just something for you to look at so you don't forget I can see everything you do. Now I just check the police scanner their was a reported store robber in progress if you feel like stopping it."

"Let's do this!"

"I already uploaded the directions to the store. They should be coming across your screen now." Directions scroll across the top of the visor screen. "Now get going."

"Alright Let's get Plus Ultra!"

"You really need to lay off the anime."

"No I don't." I jump off the roof, and roll when I hit the ground.

"So how long has your family owned convenience stores?" I ask Candice as we walk her family's store.

"Well this is the fourth store my dad has opened, and he's worked at stores like this since he was our age. So I'd say probably at least 15 or so years."

"Wow, I couldn't imagine working in a store for that long."

"It's not that bad, I've been helping out with the stores since I was little."

"Working here had to of affected your friendships."

Candice laughs. "It probably would have, but I never really had any friends growing up."


"Yeah, We moved around a lot due dad trying to open stores."

"I thought you said this was only the fourth store?"

"I did. This is only the fourth successful store. Dad had a lot of failed stores. Rather it be bad locations, couldn't bring in the right items, or he just could hire any help." Candice looks out the glass sliding doors. "Wow it's already night, you should probably get home. You're parents are probably worried about you."

"I doubt it, my mother is never home, and my father is always caught up in his work."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't be, it's fine! Besides I don't really like being around them anyways. So uh do you mind if I stay and help close the store?"

Candice smiles. "If you want to, that be nice." Candice and I spend an hour sweeping and mopping the floor, and we are just about to turn off the lights when a guy in a black hoodie walks through the door. "I'm sorry sir, but we're clos..."

"I don't care if you open or not." The guy pulls out a gun. "Now empty all the drawers, and the safe in the office."

"Sorry sir, but I can't do that." Candice starts making small gestures towards me that the guy didn't notice.

"What part of this gun in your face don't you understand? I don't care what you can't do, cause with this in your face, you can just about anything I want you to do."

Candice continues to signal me, and finally I realize it was for me to hide. I duck behind the frozen meats and call the 911.

"I really cannot open the safe. It requires to keys to open, and I only have one of the keys. One of the other employees has it."

"Then I guess I'll just have to kill you." The guy puts his gun up to Candice's forehead, but before he could pull the trigger, a guy in a black, green, and yellow costume bust through the glass doors and punches the guy sending flying across the store.

"Are you okay?" He asked, with a clearly modified voice, before Candice broke down and starts to cry. "Don't worry I'll stop this guy."

The guy gets up, and brushes off his shoulders. "I really didn't want to do this, I thought this was going to be a simple robbery. I thought I could get the cash and get out of here. But NO brave bitch decided to be difficult, and now wannabe Iron Fist decided to bring Super Powers into this." The guy cracks his neck. "That's a powerful punch you got there by the way. But it's far from the strongest I've ever felt!" A green aura surrounds the guy in the hoodie, and he charges towards Candice and the Hero guy. "I'm going to enjoy killing you both."

The Way of The Fist (female superhero harem X male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon