Torn Asunder

37 6 1

Write a poem about a lost love.


Torn Asunder
By J. Lynne Moore

Saintly words upon my lips,
Have no barring, so fall in drips.
Deafened ears will not receive;
Why this is I cannot conceive.

My heart battered, put in the grave,
By my groom now a knave.
Tender mercies once flowed free,
Have turned black as coal, strangle me.

Love is blind, but hate sees all...
Belligerent pride gives rise to a fall.
One flesh now, is torn asunder...
Left for the vultures, to aptly plunder.

Shall I question love and ask him why?
I say nay, I'll walk away and let it die.
For his choice was made, I'll say adieu;
And turn the corner, a new life to pursue.

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