Chapter 2

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Heidi in the picture


My head hurts.

I feel dizzy.

Where am I ?

My body felt stiff and my joints ached. The last I can remember was that big red car speeding at me. I try to remember but I draw a blank. I slowly open my eyes and try to take in my surroundings. Its dark and I'm flying flat on the grass. Guessing by the looks it's a park but the real question is.

What the fuck actually happened?

Am I dead ? Did I get hit by the car? Am I kidnapped? How did I get here? Standing up and dusting my pants and shirt I look around for my bag. How long have I been here? Who brought me here? What happened at the road? Too many questions. Not enough answers.

Oh god!

My freaking meeting. My boss would be so pissed. Only if I had my freaking phone I could have called him but my stuff is missing. Was I robbed? Probably the only logical explanation.
God knows where I am. I try to walk...Reach to a public place at least where the possibility of someone jumping from the dark and sticking a knife in my throat is likely less.

Damn it hurts. Maybe I was hit by the car after all. Strange that I don't have any wounds. Or who knows maybe I'm dead.

I'm screwed, aren't I?

I start walking without any sense of direction but towards the faint light I see. Suddenly I hear a voice.

"You can't go there yet...Heidi"

A gruff whispery voice said my name. I looked around trying to find the source. Squinting my eyes in the dark I see a dark figure sitting on a bench...Smoking.

'Who are you? And how do you know my name?" I mentally prepare myself to run like usian bolt in case that's a murderer.

"I am not a murderer" the figure stood up and started walking towards me. How did he know what was I thinking? As he came closer the light fell on his face and I see him. He's probably my age, younger perhaps. He's pale and skinny and he's wearing a dark black hoodie and jeans. Spiky black hair is falling on his eyes where his two black eyeballs are swirling in a pool.

"W..Who are you?"

He smirked "I have many names. Anubis, Imset, Aqen but the most common is....." he stopped and trailed a finger down my cheek making me palpitate. Looking at me expression he smirked again ,  leaned and whispered in my ear



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