Chapter 17: Goodbye to this World

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Okay, so this is the second to last chapter. Well, I guess you could call this that last chapter, mostly because the next chapter will be a poem. Enjoy!

Takumi's POV

"No..." Vale picked up Shivani's body and brought it home in the dark with us. She buried the body in her backyard. On the lantern with Shivani's name, she wrote some words. 'Thank you.'

"Takumi? Why won't Vale talk to us?" Sakura asked. I explained what happened to everyone.

"Should we help her?" Corrin asked.

"I think she needs some time alone." Kamui sighed. I walked upstairs and got ready for bed. I couldn't believe Shivani was dead. I was even starting to like her. Not in a romantic way though. Soon enough, night fell and we all went to bed. The next day was Thursday. I waited at the door for my friends to go to school, but Vale didn't come. So I left without her.

"Takumi, how close were Vale and Shivani?" Leo asked me on the way to school.

"Recently, they've been very close." I sighed. Leo had a pitiful look on his face.

"I feel so bad for her..."

"I know. Me too."

"We need to cheer her up again. If you've seen her this morning, you would've noticed that her eyes are 100% dull." Leo frowned.

"Oh. I didn't see her today." I sighed. We eventually made it to school, and I saw Namir there.

"Hey Takumi. The doctors said that I recovered so quickly, it was a world record for fastest recovery. Especially for the fact that my arms and legs were broken. They healed in one day. Where's Vale?" He asked me.

"She's... at home." I frowned.


"Shivani's dead." I whispered in his ear. I know, I shouldn't be telling people, but people close to Vale and/or Shivani should know.

"Oh. Oh god. What happened?"

"She was shot in the head by a criminal."

"Oh no. Can I visit her after school?" Namir pleaded.

"Sorry, but she doesn't want to talk." He nodded. I walked off to math, before being stopped by Yoko.

"Takumi? Where's Vale and Shivani?"

"Well..." This would be harder to explain. With Namir, he didn't know Shivani well and knew Vale well, but Yoko was close friends with both of them. How would I tell her that one of her best friends was dead?

"I knew it..." Yoko looked at me horrified. "She was killed, wasn't she? On Halloween, I was with her and she told me she heard something and wanted to check it out. I waited for three hours, but she never came back." Her voice trembled. "Sh-She's dead..."

"Yoko, almost no one knows. Try not to cry." I patted her on the back, but she ran away. I eventually made it to math, not being bothered by anyone else. Leo was in my math class, but he already knew. Soon, lunch came, and I brought Yoko, Sanjiro, Akira, and Kane to the back of the school under the cherry tree where we usually ate.

"Should I tell them or you?" I asked Yoko. She looked really uncomfortable, like she was about to cry, so I took that as a 'you do it.'

"Tell us what?" Sanjiro asked me.

"Shivani... She-"

"Why is Shivani not here anyway? Vale too." Kane asked.

"SHIVANI IS GODDAMN DEAD!" Yoko screamed, breaking down into tears. Akira opened her eyes wide and tears streamed down her cheeks. Kane looked away, hiding his face. Sanjiro looked at the ground with dull eyes. I could feel something trickle down my cheek. Then down the other. I wiped away my tears, but more fell. I clenched my fists.

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