Chapter 9: Shivani

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Yay! You finally get to meet Shivani!


"Why?" Vale asked. "Why would you care? I killed people right in front of your eyes, started going insane, and making a huge deal over nothing." She wiped the tears away from her eyes after telling me what happened.

"It is a huge deal. That's why I want to help you. I may not be the best person to help you, but I'll do my best." I smiled.

"My whole life, I've just been waiting for death to come, too scared to kill myself." She sighed.

"Don't. This is how I felt when my parents died. Look at me now." I gestured to myself.

"A huge jerk?" She giggled.

"That's mean!" I hugged myself in self-defense from her words. We busted out laughing.

"Laughing feels so good!" Vale sighed with relief.

"I know, right?" I grinned.

"What are you two doing out here so late? We heard hysterical laughing. And I thought you couldn't be any more psycho." Leo glared at Vale. Her smile faded into a sad frown.

"Let's go, Takumi." Hinoka grabbed my hand but I pulled away.

"You don't understand-"

"I understand perfectly. She's a killer. You keep your distance." Hinoka snapped at me.

"No! She can still be redeemed!" I screamed.

"Takumi." Vale looked at me, eyes dull. "They're right you should avoid me." She walked off, not saying a word of defense.

Hinoka spoke, "Takumi, she dangerous-"

"No. She won't hurt any of us. We'd be the last people she'd kill." I sighed. "But you just won't trust her, Hinoka." I shouted.

"Find a redeeming quality and maybe I'll think about forgiving her." Hinoka snorted. Kamui's face had a look of dismay, and Corrin was thinking.

"Huh. And we really thought she was trustworthy." Kamui inquired.

"She still seemed so nice, it's kind of unbelievable." Corrin sighed.

"She has proof. Let me ask you one question- Where are her parents?" I asked them all.

"They're on vacation. That's what she said-"

"That's what she SAID. She was lying to us to prevent us from treating her differently. In fact, she was afraid of us treating her differently. I think that's why she took it so harshly on herself when she killed Kozan." I hissed. Nobody said a word. Until Ryoma cleared his throat.

"Then what truly did happen to her parents?" He asked, a trail of fear leaked into his voice, proving that anyone can be scared.

"They died of illness. But her brother..." I trailed off. If I told them what happened to her brother, they would never trust her. "He commit suicide." I lied.

"Ah." Camilla sighed. "That poor child..."

"Oh? All of a sudden we're trusting her? Takumi, since when were YOU the one to start trusting others?" Leo accused me. "Maybe YOU'RE untrustworthy?"

"Please, ask her yourself. But don't talk about her brother. That's the most sore topic of them all." I sighed.

"Fine." Leo stalked off.

"Takumi." Ryoma tapped me on the shoulder as everyone started to walk away, satisfied with the answer I gave them.

"Yeah, Ryoma?" I asked.

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