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More fluff featuring the rest of the guild.

This was a bad idea. I could feel it in my bones. Or rather, I couldn't feel my bones through the freezing cold. I may have been wearing a thick jacket, a hat, gloves, boots, and a scarf but my body was still shaking violently.

I had perched behind a large pile of snow about 15 meters from the guild hall and next to me was Wendy, Happy and Gray. Elfman had been taken out by Natsu and Bickslow, and Cana and Evergreen were taken out by Mira. Lisanna who was also on our team was hiding behind another pile a few yards further from the hall. We had gotten Freed, Bickslow, Levy, and Gajeel but they still had Natsu, Mira, and Erza left and they were proving quite difficult.

Things had been quiet for a while and everyone was getting anxious. The pile of snowballs that Gray had made for us was big and we were itching to use them. One of the perks of having an ice mage on your side in a snowball war.

"Agh! I can't take it anymore! C'mon flame brain grow a pair!" yelled Gray standing up, suddenly shedding his clothes. Oh god.

"Gray! What are you doing? Shut up!" I heard Lisanna yell but it was too late. I looked over and saw all three of the opposite's team's surviving members charging at us. I looked around to see everyone, except Gray who was throwing snowballs at them, panicking so I did the bravest thing I could do at the moment.

"SCATTER!" I yelled and began to run away from the rampage. Wendy followed my lead but I saw Lisanna and Happy go to try and help Gray.

'Our chances just dwindled drastically.' I thought and ran behind the guild and into the pine trees for cover. I saw Wendy decide to go around the guild instead and I could hear shouts of Gray and Natsu in the distance. I kept on sprinting for a bit then stopping not too far away to catch my breath leaning on a tree.

I was just about to go back to see the damage done and admit defeat when I heard the sound of metal against snow behind me. I froze up, held my breath and pressed my back against the tree to hide.

"Luuuuuuuuucy..." I heard Erza coo and I silently shivered as the voice sent chills down my spine. Of course she would come to hunt me down.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." she said and I could hear her taking more steps but to my surprise, they were going away from me. I waited until I could no longer hear her feet or taunts before I let out my breath. I reached down into the snow and made my weapon.

'Think Lucy, think.' I thought as I worried. She would be back this way soon and I didn't stand a chance against her in aim. I would have to outsmart her. All of a sudden, a plan popped into my head. It was risky and she probably wouldn't fall for it but I had to try. For my team!

I looked around and found an opening in the trees not far from me. Perfect. I grabbed a key from my hip and prepared myself. I took a deep breath and calmly and quietly walked over to the clearing and sat in the middle of it in plain view, muttering words under my breath. When I sat down, a small snowman-looking spirit popped out of thin air.

"Play along." I whispered to the spirit and Plue just sent his usual answer. I then sensed Erza coming up behind me, still in the trees. Close enough to hear me but far enough to think that I don't know she's there. I smiled. Here I go.

"Pun pun!" said Plue.

"I know Plue! Isn't she just so beautiful? We had another movie night last night and we had so much fun. It sucks we're not on the same team though. I was really looking forward to spending the day with Erza." I said loudly. I didn't hear anything behind me and smirked. I clenched the snowball in my hand.

"Pun pun?" said Plue and I inwardly cooed at the little guy.

"I know, I just- sometimes I miss her so much. Like y'know how after you lose something really important and then you feel a little emptier inside? When I'm not around Erza, I just feel like- like I don't belong anywhere and I just want to kiss her every time I see her and she's so beautiful and funny and- gosh I just like her so much Plue." I said and even though I am technically doing this as a scene, I wasn't completely acting. I felt my face heat up as I thought about the redhead who had stolen my heart.

"Pun." Plue said and pointed up and behind me.

"Huh?" I said and turned my head to look into a pair of thighs. I raised my head to look into the eyes of Erza who was staring down at me with her mouth hanging open. I stood up and turned to her.

"Oh! Uh, hey babe! Uhm, how much exactly of that did you hear?" I asked smiling and blushing at her while chuckling awkwardly. Erza didn't say anything but took the step in between us, grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. For a moment, the world was perfect. It was just the two of us, surrounded in a gorgeous winter wonderland with snow lightly falling all around. I sighed and lifted one hand to stroke her cheek, completely relaxing into my lover's strong body.

We pulled apart and smiled gently at each other. Erza looked like she was going to say something but I cut her off.

"Hey, Erza?" I whispered, still pulled against her.

"Yeah?" she whispered back, just as gently.

I grinned.


And I brought up the other hand that held the snow and smashed it into the side of her face.

She let go of me, sputtering with the most surprised look I had ever seen and I burst out laughing. I felt her stare at me for a bit before she started to chuckle and then ended up laughing as well.

After a few moments of laughter filling the air, we finally calmed down a bit and Erza came over to me as I was wiping tears from my eyes.

"That was mean." she pouted. I snorted. So lady like I know. I grabbed her hand then pulled her into me. She immediately wrapped her arms around my waist and I nuzzled my head into her neck, enjoying her warmth.

"I'm sorry. But I did mean every word, just so you know." I apologized and I brought my head back to look at her. She just smiled.

"You got me." she said and then grinned. It took me a moment to realize what she was implying but then a big grin spread on my face too.

"Yes, I did." I stated proudly and turned around, dragging my girlfriend back to the guild to see how the others had done against their opponents.

A/N: Ah hells yeah! This was so much fun to write. I really hope that you guys enjoyed this one! The next one is going to be my first time ever writing something rated M so stay tuned!

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