"Thank you." Jennie settled. "Here you go." She added as she brings back the phone.

"All right, then. Goodbye." The man says with a fond smile before walking away.

"What a sweet person." Jennie mumbles to herself. "Quite different from a certain someone I know." she adds as she huffs at the memory of Lisa.

Unknown to Jennie, the man turns again and watched her go. 


Lisa stood in her living room as the same man in the beige trench coat that Jennie met earlier says, "

"You're not even going to invite me to sit down?" He says as he sat down on Lisa's couch. Lisa looked away from the sight of her garden to look at her brother: Park Jimin. "What do you want at this hour?" She asked. No hint of any affection at all.

"Does an older brother need a reason to visit his little sister's house?" Jimin asks as he teased his little sister. An irritating smile plastered on his face.

"I came back since my new novel is being published next month. I came here without prior notice and found out that Mother and Father are at Jeju Island." The older brother paused, "I didn't feel like going to an empty house and also figured that it's be nice for me to pay you a visit."

Lisa just sighs at his explanation at Jimin continues, "To tell you the truth, I came here because I wanted to forgive you."

The statement got Lisa's attention and she looked at her brother with no remorse.

Jimin continued talking, "It's still quite difficult for me because I still keep remembering that incident, but hating you and resenting you just made me more miserable. That's why I figured that I'll just forgive you now." He says with conviction as he looks at his sister.

Lisa turned her gaze away from her brother yet Jimin still pushed for conversation, "Shall we have some drinks? I indulged myself heavily in three things while I was in France; writing, women, and wine."

"You should leave now."


"I'm tired." Lisa says as she walks out of the room.


Inside her house, as Jennie strips off her jacket, a cable wire fell out of its pockets.Jennie picked it up and remembered a memory.

Jennie cut the cable ties in haste while Lisa covers her eyes with anxious tremble.

She quickly pocketed the cable ties and puts it inside the pocket of her jacket.

"It's gone ma'am. Are you all right?"

"Who did it?!" Lisa shouts.

Jennie glances at Yeri who flinched at the tone of the vice chairman, "I forgot to check as I've been all over the place. I'm sorry ma'am" Jennie answers, taking the blame. However, Lisa glares at Yeri then leaves the office.

Jennie watches the cable ties in her hand and remembers her own version of the exact scenario that Yeri had gone through:

Secretary Kim immediately cuts the cable ties with her scissors.

"I've disposed of them all, ma'am. Are you all right?"

Lisa uncovers her eyes and trembles as she says to Jennie, "Ms. Kim."

"Yes, ma'am?"

"You said that you're deathly afraid of spiders, right?"

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