The Halloween Bash

Start from the beginning

This time, I full blown laugh. Bill whining, like the kid he is, is entertaining and joyful. 

Unbeknownst to me, Bill stares at me with a genuine smile.

"Anyway," I stop laughing, "here's my room," and enter the boy's room. It's pretty typical for your average middle-schooler. Simple desk- no computer-, a bed- of course!- and wall posters of a mixture of fandoms. 

"Cool room."

"Thanks..." Bill rubs his neck, "it's not that cool, though."

"I like the aesthetically pleasing triangles written on the walls. Oh and don't think I didn't see the giant Cipher Wheel drawn on the ceiling." I laugh and point a finger up without looking.

His cheeks flush ferociously to a deep shade of red that would put Hookfang to shame.

"Sh-shut up! What is it you wanted anyway?" He pouts and slams down face first onto his bed. 'So cute! Bill Cipher pouting like a child!'

"I wanted to see if you were okay since you just poofed out so quickly before we could do anything..."

Shooting up, Bill has his eyebrows furrowed, surprising me into taking a step back by how angry he looks. "You came to check on me?! I'm the one that scared you three! I was so mad that I didn't think! I yelled at you guys and you're checking on me to see if I'm okay!? really are something, Ring..." he spits, sitting back down.

"Bill," I step carefully, my tone of voice on the down low. "I came to check on you because we're friends and Dipper, Mabel, and I were worried. You got mad because we were teasing you and on behalf of all of us, we're very sorry. We shouldn't have done that."

He sniffs and wipes his nose, "Well...I was just so worried what you guys would do since I did that and got scared... And when I got to my room, I thought to myself, I'm Bill Cipher! How and why did I get scared!? All of these emotions are so confusing!"

Giggling, I sit next to him and pat his back. "That's called being human, Bill. It's not so bad once you get used to it. Take it from me. Since being REBORNed, I had to sort out all sorts of new emotions. What made it better was getting to be in my favorite show!"

"Gravity Falls is your favorite show?"

"It's up there on the list!"

"Awwww, Ring! Who's your favorite character?"

'Should I be honest and burst his bubble or...? Nah, look at his face!'


"WHAT!? Oh crap, sorry! I mean, what?!"

"I'm sorry! Well, okay, technically he and Mabel are. But you're my second fav if that's any consolation?"

"Mmmm," he ponders, "Yes. Yes it is." Laughing, we share a meaningful hug.


"Awww, you said my actual name!"

"Don't push it."

~~Time Skip brought to you by: ME! Actually writing more of this story. I'm so lost it's not funny :( ~~

After Bill and I made our way back to my house, Dipper and Mabel told us they've been researching the Reverse Falls AU. Dipper doesn't want to do it but Mabel insists since she loves the outfits they wear. Of course Dipper can't argue for long, so Mabel goes and writes down what we need.

Bill's on board, too, saying something about being the opposite of himself could be exhilarating and or terrible but wants to find out anyways. "So we'll need those amulets. Three." I lean over my sister as she lists things off.

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