Take My Advice and Don't Gamble What You Can't Afford to Lose

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HUGE THANKS TO 3DPhantom for allowing me to use her fan fiction in this one! Everyone check Road To Redemption out! It's a great take on the AXOLOTL redemption theory!

Title is a quote from Finn O'Leary from Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies in the map MobOfTheDead

Thank you so much DragonRyd3r for the suggestion! This chapter is dedicated to you!

Few flashbacks in this chapter, haha, just a heads up.

Thursday, October 18th 2012

Ever since the... Blair... incident, Dipper has been hounded by said cat. She wouldn't leave him alone for the first week. Pushing up in his face in bed. Jumping him randomly around the house.

She even bit his thigh! Mom laughed when it happened and said, "Oh don't worry, they're just love bites."

'WHAT?! What kind of cat bites a boy's thigh as a show of affection!? I'll have you know that I've been...scarred on the thigh, in fact it's still there, but I've never gotten a love bite there!'

Anyway, that was the 6th of October. Now, it's Thursday, October 18th and yesterday, our school decided to drop a bomb on us.

Only, I wish that's what they had done.

Pro: We're going on a field trip to THE Alcatraz Prison.

Con: We're going on a field trip. Which means being in a big, slow bus, full of rowdy children.

I excused myself almost immediately during the assembly yesterday, already feeling sick to my stomach.

Soon after I entered the bathroom, Mabel came in, worry etched on her features. Which I figured. "I'm fine," I tell her, leaning over the sink while cupping my hands to get some water. Realizing what I was doing, I shake my hand of the water that built up and squirted some soap on.

'Better to wash my hand first and then drink out of them...' I lather them and clean both thoroughly, then go back to what I was going to do in the first place.

"Well... We'll just have to be extra prepared! Don't worry, Macie, we'll all be together and we'll have your medicine." I give my sister a smile.

'She always knew what to say'

Suddenly, my body convulses, interrupting my long period of spacing out, surprised by the hand that propped itself on my left shoulder. "Couldn't help but notice you lookin' a little pale there, Ring..." It's Bill... 'Er, Aiden is what we're supposed to call him when we're in public.'

"Yeah," I brush his hand away, "I know," I deadpan.

Ever since we found Bill, he's been weaseling his way into our life. Something about stupid human emotions making him feel things he hasn't felt before.

~~1 Week Earlier~~

The twins didn't trust him, obviously, and, I didn't really either. But since he was here, I had to give him some chance. I've read the good redemption stories on Bill. The AXOLOTL's poem from Dipper and Mabel and the Curse Of The Time Pirates' Treasure? It went like this:

'Sixty degrees that come in threes.
Watches from within birch trees.
Saw his own dimension burn.
Misses home and can't return.
Says he's happy. He's a liar.
Blame the arson for the fire.
If he wants to shirk the blame,
He'll have to invoke my name.
One way to absolve his crime.
A different form, a different time.' 

And that really got me thinking.

I let the twins and him look at the wiki for the book. The wiki had said:

Gravity Falls Life With Macie PinesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora