The End

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"No," I say. I look this mist creature in the face, or what should be its face. If it's bothered by my answer, it doesn't show it.

"Let's think about this. Your true love, alive again, Bla Bla Bla. Isn't that what you want?" The mist says it's voice getting louder with frustration. I shake my head and raise my arm to wipe away any stray tears.

"I don't believe you," I say firmly, reaching into my jacket pocket for the pocket knife I always carry with me. I suddenly and without warning lunge at the creature. With my knife facing him, it sinks into its face, and I drag the blade down and step back to regain my balance. The mist just plucks it out and throws it at me with alarming speed. It catches in my shoulder, throwing me back. I get up quickly and rip it out. As blood drips down my arm, I notice it start to pick up Toby.

"LET HIM GO!" I yell and charge at him. Since my knife isn't working, I grab Toby and kick it's midsection, using the force to push me and Toby back. I lay him gently down on the ground, and turn my attention back to the mist, only it's gone. I frantically look around the room for it, but it's nowhere.

"You can't honestly hope to beat me, can you?" It says it's voice being carried through the room like wind. I turn around, spinning in circles, looking for its source.

"Just join me. Then I'll bring him back," it says again.

I start to falter. What if it's telling the truth? What if it can bring back Toby. Just as I open my mouth to reply, I'm thrown across the room, by back landing against the wall and my body falling down to the floor. I struggle to get up but do none the less. Once again, as if by an invisible force, I'm thrown around. I crouch, and spit out the blood from my mouth and get into a defensive stance.

"Fine. If you won't see reason, then I'm done with you,"

As if on cue, I'm struck in the back of my head and everything goes black.

* * * * *


My eyes shoot open and I am blinded by a bright light. I close my eyes again and retry opening them, slower this time. I look around, and still in the room. I glance across from me and there's Toby, sitting in his chair, a slice of waffles on his fork. He's looking at me with concerned eyes, a question on his lips.

"Masky what's wrong?" He asks, placing his fork down. I shoot out of my seat, looking around.

Everything is fine




I take a deep breath and check my watch.


I sit back down and smile at Toby.

"Nothings wrong. I'm sorry. I got distracted. What were you saying?"

I look forward and gasp. Toby's eyes roll back as blood pools out of every orifice in his face. He smiles at me and slants his head slightly.


I once again jump out of my chair and raise my hands to my mouth. I start towards Toby, and every step I take towards him, the room stretches him away. I begin to run, he once small room turning into an endless growing corridor, with Toby at the end.

I finally reach him, and as I grab him, he turns to a puddle of blood, stained in my hands and clothes. I get up, tears running down my face, and turn around. My eyes widen, as the room starts to melt, with the walls falling and everything burning. I fall to my knees and start to scream.

I should have said yes

What About Me? (Ticci Toby X Masky)Where stories live. Discover now