Chapter Five

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Maskys P.O.V.

     When I wake up, I'm in my room. My mind is fuzzy, and I don't know what's going on. I get out of bed, and a sudden wave of memories hits me. Me, getting attacked by  The Rake. Toby protecting me with his body, and Slenderman coming to the rescue. Toby! Oh god. This is my fault. I run down the hall, to Slenderman's office. I don't even knock, I just storm in and demand to see Toby.

"Calm down child. Toby's fine. He's resting. I don't recommend you see him right now. When he wakes up, I suggest you thank him."

"Thank him?! He's an idiot. First of all, I never asked him to protect me, and second of all, why did he stand there like an idiot instead of fighting back?!" I yell. Slenderman sighs.

"You ungrateful idiot. He didn't need you to ask, because he cares for you, and automatically will risk his life to save you. And he didn't fight back because that would leave an opening for The Rake to get to you. All he wanted was your safety ensured. So maybe you should stop being so fucking arrogant and selfish and appreciate when people try to help you! If you don't, they won't bother trying again!" He yells.

     I don't say anything in return. Because he's right. I'm blaming Toby when all he did was save me. He could have died, and it would have been my fault. I look up and Slenderman, to apologize, when he speaks first.

"It would appear, that Toby's awoken. Why don't you go see him?" I say a quick thanks, and run out of the room. I dart to Toby's room, and slam open the door. Inside, I see Toby laughing, leaning on Jeff for support. Toby is covered head to toe in bloody rags, Blood is forming puddles on the floor underneath. He stops when he sees me, and gets up to hug me. I don't hug him back, but I don't think he minds. He lets go and practically yells at me.

"Masky!! What's wrong with you?! I kept yelling at you that the Rake was running towards you but you weren't listening! You could have died! What would I have done then, huh?" He has tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He looks really upset that I almost died, making me realize how much I mean to him.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry. Please don't be mad" I whisper. He smiles at me, but soon stops when Jeff clears his throat in the background.

"Well, that was touching. I'll be going now. Toby," he says as he turns to Toby. "I'll see you around." Jeff smiles then leaves. I turn to Toby.

"Something going on between you two?" I ask praying that they are just friends. Toby shrugs.

"I don't know. He's been pretty nice to me, but I think his crazy is too much for me," He says calmly. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I see Toby smirk. I thank God under my breath and hear him giggle.

"Hmm. Someone's happy!" He says in a singsong voice, and I've never been so happy to be wearing a mask.

Toby's P.O. V.

Honestly, I've started to like Masky, and sure, he can be a jerk sometimes, but I can tell he cares. He just has a hard way of showing it. I can only pray he catches on to my feelings soon.

Jeff has been acting a little strange lately. He's been around more, and seems mad when ever I talk to Masky. I don't know what's wrong with him, but I hope it doesn't last long. I miss my friend.

     As I walk towards the kitchen, I feel myself being pulled into a dark room, one that I've never been in before. Looking around, I can see it's a bedroom. The walls are black, and so is the bed. The windows are boarded up, and the bathroom door closed. I turn at the one who pulled me in, and see Jeff. This must be his room.

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