Chapter 4 Best Friends: Jason and Seto

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A/N So now we r on to how sky meet Jason and Seto! Yay...! I have nothing pre-planned, I'm sort of writing this as I got so it's gonna be bad! brace yourselves ;|

~Sky's POV~

I woke up to an amazing dream that I was married to a mermaid. She reminded me of my first "girlfriend" , or so I thought before she traded me. That was the day I had first meet Seto, and Jason as well.


It had been almost eight months that I've been dating Dawn (A/N ik I went there, but don't be mad cuz something will happen. This is mostly to the people who still LOVE dawn but yeah). I loved her and all, but she seemed to be growing apart from me. I saw her sitting on the couch reading her old childhood diary.

I walked up behind her and hugged her. She quickly put down her diary and turned to face me. She hugged me back for a while and we just swayed together embracing each other.

"I'd hate to leave but some friends invited me to go hunting with them tonight." she said. Now i was suspicious because she leaves almost every night and says she is going out with friends but never tells me who. 

And something tells me its the new girl in town who just moved here about three weeks ago. Dawn and her became close fast and was a bad influence on her in my opinion, but Dawn said that I was jealous she can make friends faster than me. I think her name is Yasmine.

"Can you spend some time with me at least. I moved in here to spend more time with you but every night you go out with your, quote on quote, best friend." I said kind of angry at her. 

"Why does it matter to you what i do and where i go? And by the way, you didnt move to my house to spend more time with me, you did it so you can have a place to stay."

I hope she knows that I can live on my own even without Mitch and Jerome to help me. I dont need her at all.

" Ok, fine DaWn! Blow your own boyfriend off to go spend your afternoon with someone who is using you for your strength powers!" I blurted out as she left and slammed the door behind her. I waited twenty seconds before I decided to follow her .

She walked through the forest and to a cave I never noticed there before. I heard voices echoing through the cave as she walked to the entrance, people greeting her as she walked in. I stayed my distance, but I was still close enough to hear and see what was going on.

All of a sudden all the voices went quiet, and only one person spoke. He seemed to be some sort of sorcerer and I could tell because he had lots of potions in his hand. Then it occurred to me that this must be a potions class. I have to admit that Dawn wasnt the greatest when it came to potions. 

But why did she not tell me about this? Maybe she doesnt want to feel dumb around such an intelligent person like myself. But if I am her boyfriend wouldnt she trust me and tell me anything?

I guess I was zoned out thinking about that so long she just so happened to notice me and was right in front of my face.

"Sky? What are you doing here?" she said looking kind of angry and sad at the same time.

"I-i am sorry Dawn I followed you here because I didnt want you to get hurt or anything and also I wanted to tell you that I dont trust that girl you hang out with, yasmi..." i got cut off by her kissing me. (A/N here we go with the corny stuff!!) At first I was shocked then I just kissed her back. I noticed that there were people staring at us and I broke the kiss.

 "There are people staring at us," I whispered and she turned around to face them and smiled.

"Sky these are my class mates, we are all learning more about potions and stuff. This is Sally (random name), Jason, and Seto our teacher. Hes so pro that he is only a year older then us at age 16 and knows all about the potions," she introduced all the people.

"I am a sorcerer. I need money to pay for the damage Herobrine has caused to my house." 

"Wait Herobrine? What did he do this time?"

"He killed my family and half the people in my village so I came here to help people as well as pay for some of the damage."

That day we sat and talked for hours on end. Mitch and Jerome happened to find us while they were doing their night hunting. That night we became great friends. We all let out our secrets, and I found out that Jason was a wither hybrid. From that day on, we called him WitherMU because of his middle and last name, Michael Ulberg (A/N ik this is not his actual middle and last name so NO HATE!!)

I found out that Dawn cheated on me because the guy she cheated on me with, Kermit, came to the cave we were in and didnt know that I was dating Dawn and kissed her right in front of my face. I punched him in the stomach and he ran off and never returned. And as for dawn, she moved on to other people.

*End of flashback*

I cringed at the thought of Dawn and her new boyfriend. I wanted to rage thinking of Kermit again. I noticed that the team was walking up and were getting breakfast and taking showers and stuff and I decided to do so as well.


A/N good sized chapter. i wouldnt say its really long but yeah.

dont forget to vote and comment and stuff yeah!! whooo!!1! go team!!!!!!1

wow i am really lame, but dont forget and thanks so much for reading ;)


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