chapter twelve

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Appu's POV

Two things were on my mind all of last night after the kiss and all day this morning.

Should I go talk to Prashanth first, and the AMAZING kiss last night.

It was 3:30 in the afternoon and I'd been in my bed all day. I came down with a fever but I don't even know how or why.

"You know what" I told myself.  "Be the bigger person in this situation and go talk to Prashanth".

So I gathered all my strength and pulled myself out of bed while groaning. I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around my weak body and walked out my door to Prashanth's room. I knocked on his room door but there was no answer. I knocked again, no answer. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside and he wasn't there. Did he go out? I asked myself.

I sluggishly walked downstairs into the kitchen, where anna was washing the dishes.

"Hey anna" I said weakly.

"Hi ma, how are you feeling" (ma- direct translation is mom, but also means dear in this context) he replied as he continued to wash the dishes.

"I'm not doing so well but, do you know where Prashanth is?" I asked him.

"Uh- he's out with a friend apparently." He replied hesitantly.

"Okay.. is everything alright?" I asked.

"Of course why wouldn't it be?" He replied a little too enthusiastically.

"Okay..?" I said as I left the kitchen.

Aadharsh's POV

As Appu left, I took a deep breath and relaxed my tense muscles. Sameera walked I to the kitchen from the opposite side and smacked my shoulder.

"Ow!" I exclaimed.

Her brows were furrowed and she had an angry expression on her face.

"Why didn't you tell her that he was out with another girl? She deserves to know!" She exclaimed loudly.

"Shhh shhh! She might hear you!!" I whisper-yelled.

"I don't care! She. Deserves. To know!" She repeated.

"I can't be the one who causes all the problems in their relationship Sam, they need to solve it out by themselves." I said as I washed and dried my hands. "they've known eachother forever and they'll solve it. I know th-" I paused as I noticed Sam's expression.

She cleared her throat as she looked past my shoulder. I turned around to see a pale and broken Appu. She looked at me with a pained look and walked away.

I dropped my hands and slouched my body as I sighed. "what have I done" I said.

"Don't worry" Sam said as she hugged me.  "I'll go talk to her" she moved her hands to my face. She leaned in closer to me and stopped right near my face.

"Vacuum the carpet" she whispered.

"Wowww way to ruin the mood." I said.

She kissed me on the cheek as she left the kitchen.

Appu's POV

I stormed to my room while the anger created energy in me. Why am I mad? He's playing fair game right? Fine I'll play back I thought in envy. I plopped onto my bed and stuffed my face into my pillow. My eyes started to water. I hated that our friendship had become so toxic.

I heard a soft knock on my door.

"who ever it is, go away."

"It's me" vodhina said.

"Come in" I replied.

She walked in and sat at the edge of my bed as she rubbed my back.

"who's the girl" I asked.

"Some one named Meghna I think"

"Oh my god that's so not fair!" I said as I sat up. "That girl really likes him and he's only playing with her feelings".

"Well doesn't Dulquer really like you?"

The only problem was that I was starting to develop feeling for Dulquer too. He was amazingly sweet and he was really trying.

"How do you even know he went out with a girl?" I asked trying to switch the topic.

"Your Anna and I were coming out from the movie theater and they both were walking in. I don't think they saw us though."

"I love life" I said as I flopped back onto the bed.

"I made food come down when you're ready" vodhina said as she left.

Prashanth's POV

"That was really fun!" Meghna exclaimed as we left the theatre.

"It was" I said bluntly. "you should come over right now!" I asked. I wanted Meghna to be with me in front of Appu.

"Now? I don't know... I've to go out in a bit again" she replied as she fiddled with her fingers. Fuck how is Appu gonna see us together? My mind puzzled. Oh I know!

"Okay come here" I said as I pulled her next to me and pulled out my phone.

"Smile!" I said as I took a selfie. We took multiple pictures while I kissed her on the cheek and took another one.

"Okay I should get going" she said. I pulled her in for a hug and we said our goodbyes. I have to admit, I felt like a terrible piece of shit. I knew that Meghna genuinely liked me and all I was doing was toying with her emotions. I got in my car and drove home. 

I opened the door and walked in to see Appu sitting on the dining table eating food. She looked so terribly sick, all I wanted to do was go give her a hug. Our eyes met and I gave her a sympathetic smile. She looked at me and looked away. I felt terrible. Maybe I should go talk to her as I was about to walk up to her, her phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hello? Hey Dulquer!" Yeah I'm a bit sick but I'm fine" she said.

She was talking to him like she was totally into him. This made me so mad, I lost all empathy.

This chapter was so bleh lol. I promise they'll get better!! Thanks for reading! New stuff coming soon :)

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