chapter six

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Appu's POV

We walked into anna's  (Anna means brother) house and a wave of nostalgia immediately flooded me. This was the house that I was born and raised in. After I got accepted into Harvard, Nanna (means dad) sold the house to Anna because anna didn't want to let go of this house.

Jimmy, anna's dog, came running to my arms as we entered. (such a brown dog name 😂)

I first met Prashanth in this house when he came with his family for dinner for the first time. I looked back and saw him standing at the door step smiling.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked as I walked back to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"The first time we met" he replied as he looked down and smiled at me. "I am literally so lucky to have met you Appu." he added on.

"Stop you're gonna make me cry" I said as I smiled and and joking elbowed him.

We went upstairs and unpacked everything as anna and vodhina insisted that we stay at their place. Anna knows my love for Dulquer and even makes fun of it sometimes. He said he wanted to be there when I met him though.

Prashanth's POV

I unpacked everything and headed for the shower because I just travelled for two days and smelt like shit. The hot water felt extremely refreshing against my skin after the two days of no shower. I wrapped a towel around my lower body and walked out shirtless.

"The doors in this house are confusing as f*ck" I said as I walked into my room and locked the door. I took off my towel and grabbed my boxers as the walk-in closet door flew open and Appu walked out.

"AGHH SHIT" I yelled as I frantically searched for my towel.

"PRASHANTH OH MY GOD" Appu yelled as she ran back into the closet and slammed the door shut.

Appu's POV

I ran back into the closet and shit the door as I took frantic breaths. Thousands of thoughts raced through my mind. I just saw Prashanth's naked body holy shit. I must admit though he's hot. Wait what am I thinking he's my best friend.

"Battaleskunna baitikraa"(translates to: I'm wearing clothes, come outside) I heard Prashanth say.

I slowly walked outside with my head down and awkwardly played with my fingers for a good minute.

"Sorry Ra, naa room anukunna" translates to: sorry dude, I thought it was my room) he said.

I couldn't help but think about the incident that just happened and slightly giggled. Prashanth laughed back and my laugh grew louder and so did his. We ended up laughing so hard that we were laying on my bed clutching our stomachs.

We sat up against my bed frame as our laughs calmed down. I looked at him and he was staring into my eyes. Suddenly, my whole body felt weird. There were butterflies in my stomach and his eyes suddenly looked so deep, intense, and beautiful. Prashanth cupped my face and leaned in and I didn't stop him. For some reason, it felt right. We were abruptly interrupted by a knock on my door.

We hurriedly stood up and I ran to open my door.

"Come down to eat Appu" vodhina said with a smile. When she noticed Prashanth behind me, she worriedly asked "Am I interrupting something?"

"No it's nothing" both quickly replied in unison, which surprised us both and vodhina as well.

"Okayyy? Just come down when you're ready" she said as she left.

I awkwardly stood at my door for a little while Prashanth awkwardly stood near my bed. I looked back at him and when his eyes met mine, I quickly turned around and walked downstairs.

What the hell just happened?!

Hope you guys like this! New stuff coming soon!!!

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