Chapter 13

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Sam's POV

We were traveling back to the motel.
'See? Everything is fine. We took care of the ghost, now we'll get the kids and go to the bunker. Then we'll think of what to do. You don't need to worry.' Dean said and grinned.
I nodded but I was a little anxious. Dean parked next to the motel. We went out and I hurried to our room. I had an odd feeling. I opened the door.
'Hey, Megan! We were about to go...' Ryan began but stopped when he saw us. 'Oh, it's you.'
'Why? Where's Megan?' Now I got really worried.
'She went to the gas station to get some food.' Lane said. 'But that was like thirty minutes ago. We were about to go and look...'

I was already running to the gas station.
'You stay here.' I heard Dean say before he followed me. We went inside but there was no one there. I could smell it from the outside.
'Sulfur.' Dean said.
No, no, no. This can't be happening.
'I shouldn't have left!' I punched the wall. 'I had to stay and protect them! I had to keep them safe and I failed!'
'We'll get her back. Don't worry.'
'Don't tell me not to worry! Megan is in Crowley's hands! Who knows what he'll do to her!' I yelled.
'Sam! Calm down! I know how bad the situation is. But you're not helping anyone in that state!'
Dean was right, of course. So I tried to remain calm when we returned to the motel. But it was so hard.
'Where is Megan?' Lane asked.
'She was kidnapped by demons.' Dean answered.
Lane tried very hard to hide but I could tell that he was about to cry. Ryan was blaming himself because Megan had told him to come with her but he didn't. They were both scared.
'I'm calling Cas.' Dean said and went out.
I had to take the situation in my hands.
'Lane. Ryan. You have to calm down.' I saw that Ryan was ready to protest so I just raised my hand. 'Don't tell me that you're fine. I see that you're not. But I promise you that we'll find Megan and we'll get her back alive. OK?'
They nodded and I hugged Lane. We both needed it.

Dean and Castiel entered the room.
'I'm sorry, Sam. Dean told me what happened.' He said.
'Cas, you said that Lane and Megan had the power to exorcise a demon just by thinking about it. Then why she couldn't use it against the demon who took her?' I asked.
'She said that she was very tired.' Lane remembered.
'She discovered that she had healing powers.' Ryan touched his forehead. Just then I noticed that his wound was gone. 'She said that even healing that small wound drained her.'
'That's not the cause.' Cas said. 'Lane and Megan's powers work only if they are together. It's because they're twins and they are connected. If they are separated, they can do almost nothing.'
'And you forgot to mention this earlier?' I've never seen Lane so furious. 'If we knew about that, I would've gone with her and she would've been fine!'
'Hey, hey, hey, Lane! Calm down. It's no one's fault. Especially not yours.' I stopped him, before he could hit Cas.
'OK, so how are we going to take Megan back? Do we know where Crowley is?' Dean looked at Cas.
'No, I've tried to track him but I couldn't. Perhaps he's using a very good spell to hide himself.'
I was about to say something when my phone rang. And who do you think was calling? The king himself.
'Crowley, where's my daughter?' I yelled when I picked up.
'Hello, moose. I see that you're in a good mood.'
'If you touch her, I swear that this time I'll kill you!'
'What makes you think you can?' He laughed. 'Don't worry. I haven't killed her. Yet. And do you think that I'll just give her back to you and get nothing in return?'
'What do you want, Crowley?' I was getting very angry and impatient.
'Now we're talking. If you want to see your girl alive, you'll bring me both the angel and the demon tablet.'
'The angel tablet was destroyed and you know it.' I didn't know where he was going with that.
'I don't care. You'll find a way. You always do.' He took a sip of his drink. 'Well, that was all for now.'
'Wait, I need proof that Megan is still alive!' I shouted but Crowley had already hung up.
'What did Crowley want?' Dean asked.
'The demon and the angel tablet.' I sat on a chair and rubbed my forehead.
'But the angel tablet...' Cas began.
'No longer exists, I know. I have no idea what to do now.'
'I'll see what I can find.' Cas said and disappeared.

Dean was thinking. 'If we don't have the tablet, we call the writer.'
'You'll ask Metatron for help? And you think that he will agree?' I wasn't very sure.
'Of course he will agree. He knows that if he doesn't, we'll find him and kick his ass.' Dean said and dialed him.
Metatron picked up and Dean put him on speaker.
'Why are you calling?'
'Do you remember what was written on the angel tablet.' I asked.
'I wrote it. Of course I remember it. I can't forget. I know every single word.' He thought.
'We need your help.' Dean said. 'Can you come here to talk?'
'No way.' Was all that Metatron said before he hung up.
'Well, that didn't go as I expected.' Dean made a face.
But I had an idea. 'Lane, can you track phones?'
'Yeah, sure. It's child's play.' He smiled a little.
I gave him Metatron's number. He was ready in a few minutes.
'He is in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I can't get an address because he's moving.'
'Albuquerque is not far from here. Let's go.' Dean said.
We got our stuff from the motel and went to search for Metatron.

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