Chapter 20

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"They're chocolate chip oatmeal cookies" the lady smiles, "my grandmother used to always make these for me when i was just a kid"

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"They're chocolate chip oatmeal cookies" the lady smiles, "my grandmother used to always make these for me when i was just a kid"

"thank you so much, they smell delicious" i smile back, "my name is Sydney by the way. Then this is my, dad, Jason"

"My name is Helen" she says, "where did your boyfriend go?"

"David decided to walk back" I laugh

"Do you mind if i film you? its for a documentary  about this new town" jason says

"oh go ahead" she smiles again

"can you call David a little bitch when he comes up?" Jason laughs, Helen gives him a confused look, "everyone calls him that, he won't get offended"

"if it'll help with your filming" she slightly laughs, she then looks to me, "I'll always be across the road if you ever need anything, okay honey?"

"thank you" i smile so she nods "If you ever want to have a little coffee date, I'll give you my number"

"oh, that sounds wonderful" she cheers, I walk into my kitchen and grab a piece of paper, I write my cell number down then hand it to Helen, "thank you so much, but I should really get going now, my husband is left cooking supper and I hope he didn't mess it up too much"

"it was really nice meeting you, and thanks for the cookies again" i smile back

Helen then starts to walk away, just as David walks up the driveway, Helen stops upfront of him, "you're a little bitch" she says, then walks away, David starts to laugh

"did she call me that because I wasn't here to get her cookies?" he laughs as he points the camera in my face, he then grabs one off of the plate that was in my hands

"Well Dav, you ready to head home?" Jason yawns, "Trisha is coming to pick me up, said she'll drive you too"

David looks to me as Jason goes into the other room to grab his shoes, "I'll be back in an hour, okay?" he smiles while whispering, I nod, not really wanting jason knowing we got something going on again

"See you bitches never, I'll be hiding in my house all the time" I laugh

"You should get a dog" David laughs

"The last dog I had, Dom and Adam accidentally ran it over" i say laughing

"holy shit, Dom must've hated you when we were younger" David also laughs

"guys, I don't understand how you went to high school together, hung out a few times, had the same friends, but a few years later, you completely forget about each other" Jason says as he scratches his head

"whenever I hung out with him, it was at a party and i was already drunk, so i don't really remember much, and when i was sober, i would always ignore him. Also moved at age 17 when i was a really big druggie so like" I shrug, "whenever my step brother would bring friends over, I'd stay far away as possible"

New Beginning // David Dobrik Where stories live. Discover now