Imagine #7(Jesus Admas-Foster)/part2/

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After a few minutes of listening to Lena talking to Jesus Rebekah had excused herself out into the hallway since she felt like she couldn't breathe. While she stood in the hallway there were tears in stinging her eyes while she kept her arms wrapped around herself.
As Stef walked through the halls and came to a crying Rebekah her heart clenched, what happened while she was gone? She came up quickly to the girl she had become so fond of. "Rebekah sweetheart what happened?" She asked calmly though it felt like her head was spinning. "He doesn't remember me." Her words came out choked and forced but it was enough to send the adult into the room to check on her child.

Within the room Lena and Stef sat listening to the words of the doctor while Jesus mostly tuned them out wanting to try and figure out who the girl was, he'd known her face it had looked so familiar yet he couldn't remember. Rebekah walked to the waiting room, a room she was surprised that she even wanted to be in, her eyes felt slightly irritated from the previous rubbing making them slight red and easy for Mariana to realize the latter had been crying. "What happened? Is he alright?" Mariana couldn't help the frantic flutter the girls expression put in her. After all in her mind the problems her brother was facing was due to her, he was there for her when she needed him and she just let him down. Rebekah was quick to nod noticing the frantic behavior coming back to the already jittery girl. "Yes he's fine he just doesn't remember me." Her words didn't seem to ease the frantic feeling in the short girl what so ever. In Mariana's mind if he could forget about Rebekah than he could forget her as well. Jesus's connection with the girl was obvious, heck, even while coming in out of pain on the way to the hospital all he asked for was to get Rebekah there.

April 19th, 2018

They had gotten Jesus home the night before. Rebekah had not been informed right away as they knew this was going to be a hard process for her, well for everyone. Rebekah had in fact been the only one he forgot which made it even worse for her, but also she wasn't allowed with much interaction with him since it could make him want to push himself to remember and then it could hurt him in the long run rather then help at all. Jesus sat at the kitchen table pushing his brekfast around with a spoon. "Mama, who was that girl you brought into the hospital?" Jesus had been trying to remember her face, but all he could seem to remember was the crushed look upon her face as she exited the room. "Honey don't worry about it, she'll be around soon." Lena felt terrible for her words, Rebekah, Lena, and Stef had all agreed it'd be better for Jesus to be limited on his time near her, as much as it pained Rebekah she knew it would be better to graudually bring herself back into his memory since the last thing she'd ever want would be to hurt him.

May 23rd, 2018

Jesus was still silently trying to remember Rebekah, though he had been lucky enough to see her around his house. Rebekah came over a few select times out of the month of his return though she kept her head down and stayed mostly to Marianas hip. Maybe it was wrong for Jesus to feel so fusterated but he knew he needed to see her, know her, remember her. So he took it upon himself to remember.

June 17th, 2018

Nearing nine o'clock at night Rebekah had gotten a text, it just so happened to be from Jesus. And to say that it made her heart flutter was an understatement. Jesus had seen her name within his contacts many times though he always backed out of texting her. Tonight was different. Rebekah and Jesus met at the school which they had both attended and went on a walk. Rebekah had thought he finally remember. Within the past month Rebekah had many interactions with the boy walking to her right and she finally thought she jogged his memory, though she was wrong.

The Fosters Gif SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora