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A few days had passed and Y/N still felt threatened after that day. Since the letter had arrived, more had been posted a day after another.

The letters were becoming more violent and more sinister. Y/N had started to feel more uneasy, afraid to start work in the morning, terrified of what could possibly happen.

"You'll pay Y/N! You'll pay you bitch!" The letters had read. She kept telling herself over and over that the police were just going to rule it out like they did her father's death. This could ultimately just be a cruel joke but this sender was taking it too far.

Y/N went into the back of the store, searching for plastic wrap and bows for the order she had for tomorrow. She perked up when she heard the front door ping. A little bell hung by the door, so she always knew when someone walked in.

Y/N dropped the items and headed back through the door to attend to her customer. "Hello how may I help you?" She asked, looking around the store to find it empty. Her heart skipped a beat.

Was she going crazy? Did somebody walk in or not? "H-hello?" She asked once more but nobody replied. Worriedly, she looked around and then her eyes stopped on something unfamiliar.

A man was stood in her store. In his hand he held a baseball bat, he wore a hockey mask, a blue hoodie and dark pants. His hair was jet black and Y/N was unable to see his face for obvious reasons.

Y/N slowly backed away, trying to talk to the invader. "L-look I don't want any trouble. I-I don't know what you want." She said, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes.

"I'm only doing what my boss told me, you owe us some big money Y/N. At the end of the day this is all just business. And you're going to pay whether you like it or not." He said stepping closer.

"Please! I-I'll pay it, just don't hurt me please." She cried, quickly wiping away her tears. "This isn't a joke, how many times must my boss tell you to pay up? How many times will you ignore him? This is what you wanted right?"

At that moment, the masked male advanced and swung his bat. Y/N screamed and avoided his hit. In the process, a row of her handmade vases smashed against the ground. It was the remaining pots her father had made.

"Come on princess, you don't want to fight me. Just surrender yourself to Delirious." The male cackled, wielding the bat in his hands and going in for another hit.

As he swung, Y/N fell to the ground, panting like crazy. "Looks like I got you now." He said and slowly walked towards her. Y/N had to think fast. This crazed psycho was going to kill her with his baseball bat. She needed a plan quick.

As Delirious approached her, Y/N put her foot behind his leg and swept him off his feet, as he tried to get his bearings, she got up from the ground and with her two inch pointy heel, the girl kicked him with all her might into his crotch.

"Aaah!!! You fucking whore! You bitch!" He screamed in pain, holding his lower parts. "I need back up! Get fucking back up!" He screamed, still groaning in pain at the same time.

Y/N didn't stop to think. Instead she grabbed her cell phone and made a break for it out of the store, making sure not to look back. Whatever this Delirious guy was sent to do, it wasn't to bring good tidings of any kind. So the threats and letters were real. Her father really did get involved in something sinister and she was caught in between.

Y/N ran to a cafe and headed towards the back where there would be some toilets. She found herself sat with the seats down and immediately dialling the police.

"H-hello." She called weakly and found herself breaking down, telling the authorities everything that happened to her. "Give us your location and don't move until we arrived. Our forces are also being sent to your store Miss L/N."

The girl hung up and rested her head in her hands. She continued to cry quietly, not wanting to alert anyone that may enter. She was so afraid. Her life was on the line right now. Where was she going to find 500,000 dollars. Why did her father do something so stupid?

Not long after, the cops had arrived and escorted Y/N out of the toilets and to the police station, where she gave her whole story to an officer named Bryce McQuaid.

"Are you sure your father had no enemies? Nobody that you knew of that may have wanted to hurt you or your father?" He asked. Y/N only gave a weak no. "Listen Y/N.." he started and put his hand over hers. "We won't let anyone hurt you, understand? Just calm down a little and will sort this out."

Soon after, Bryce escorted Y/N home and spoke to her about what they had found out. "We weren't able to catch anyone, we currently have no leads. At this moment in time we cannot place a finger on any criminals. Whoever these people are they do good to cover their tracks. We have no names, no footage--"

"He was called Delirious...I think." Y/N said to Bryce. "Well he called himself Delirious, he was wearing a blue hoodie, black pants, he had black hair and he was wearing a hockey mask, just like the one from that movie, Friday The 13th." She said, sitting down on her couch.

Bryce nodded as he wrote it all down. "Don't worry Y/N any information right now is vital and I thank you for being so brave. I suggest you stay indoors, stay away from work whilst the police patrol the area for a couple of days. Trust me, they will keep you safe." He said and gave her his toothy smile.

Y/N helped Bryce out and she leaned against the door of her apartment. She couldn't help but think her father got involved with the mafia. Money, debts, murder. It all sounded too suspicious.

What was she going to do?

Authors note: I'd just like to say that chapter 3 is going to contain alot more action and more characters. Some sinister scenes also. Stick around ;)

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