Chapter 4: Deku vs Kacchan?!

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Deku P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock and turned it off as i sat up and rubbed my eyes.

So im in kacchan's body for 2 weeks..
This will be hard. I stood up as i took a shower and put on the school uniform.

Kacchan P.O.V
I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and thinking about stupid deku.

I cant believe we'll be stuck in each other's bodies for 2 weeks. This will be a pain in the ass but we both had no other option.

I finished brushing my teeth and placed the toothbrush away as i heard a soft voice from downstairs. "Bakugou, sweetie come down stairs to eat and then you can go to school" i nodded and quickly went in deku's room to put his uniform on as i then went downstairs.

3rd person P.O.V
Both deku and kacchan were shocked at how sweet both mothers were. Even if they were worried, they still cared. Deku and kacchan ate their breakfast and went outside as they met each other in front of their houses.

Deku P.O.V
"h-hey kacchan its good to see you!"
"Yeah whatever good to see you too i guess..."
"s-shall we go now?"
I sighed in relief and we both started watching to school.

Throughout the entire walk there was silence none of us could say anything. And what would we say? We couldn't do anything about this so we were silent.

I walked to the door and saw a note on it as i stopped on my tracks.

"Oi dumb deku why did you stopped walking"
"Theres a note.."
"Huh? And what it says?"
"It says 'put your costumes on and come at ground beta. We will be having an exam' And its by aizawa sensei"
"Thats so weird but im guessing all of them are there so lets just go"
I nodded to kacchan and we both walked in to put our opposite costumes on.

Ground Beta.
The place where everyone took their final exams last month. It was scary but also great.

Deku P.O.V
i was standing next to uraraka and was ready to listen to what mr aizawa was gonna say.

"Today we will be having an exam. And it will be student vs student"

Everyone went shock. no way.. I hope mr aizawa doesnt put me against kacchan..

"Heres how it goes:
Uraraka vs iida
Kaminari vs Jirou
Kirishima vs Mina"

He continued on untill he got to us.
"And last.. Izuku midoriya will be against bakugou katsuki" Everyone went full shock and looked at us surprisingly.

i gulped and looked over at kacchan.
He looked back at me and i noticed him sweating. ".."

We were staring at each other for a moment as aizawa sensei broke the silence. "First will be uraraka against iida. Everyone else can back up and watch. Got it?"

We all nodded and backed away to watch.

The End of Chapter 4.

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