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"Greasy as ever." Alec comments, sticking another chip in his mouth. I let out a chuckle, not believing a man that didn't like greasy food, nor allows to be eating it, would enjoy it so much.

"Well, that was just what I needed." Scrunching my packet up I offered my hand to get his, only to be greeted with a sour expression. "For your papers." I said, glancing down to the greasy, empty packet.

"Oh." He instead took my papers, planting a soft kiss on my forehead; I was taken aback. Alec wasn't one for openly displaying affection, especially in public, and I respected that. But to not even encourage him and have him do that? It was unheard of.

"What was that for?" I asked, watching him walk to put the chip packets in the bin nearby.

"Are we not celebrating?" He was wide-eyed, his left hand reaching behind his head to scratch it. Bless this man, any mention of his flirting ability and he went all shy.

"Yeah." I smiled, finally able to take a deep breath and relax, even outside. "Yeah, I guess we are." I repeated, tucking my hair behind my ear as I looked up at Alec. He was stood there with his hands in his coat, seemingly waiting to walk somewhere. "Did you want to go back to the hotel?" I asked, standing up from my perch on the wall. He nodded, scratching his head further. "Alec?"

"Oh. Umm, yeah." He caught up with me, and we walked back in silence, side by side. Something was bothering him, but I daren't say anything that would make him think twice about staying with me tonight. As silly and as selfish as it sounded, I needed an evening with him.


Alec closed the room's door behind him, taking his jacket off and folding it over the small tub chair in the corner of the room. He began loosening his tie and slipped off his shoes, clearly showing he was staying the night.
"What's that smile for?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Am I not allowed to smile at the sight of you stripping off?" I said, sitting on the bed before I realised what I had said. "Oh god no that came out wrong-" placing my head in my hands, I shook myself and cringed.

"Well, clearly." Alec retorted, placing his tie on top of his jacket. Walking around to the other side of the bed, he flopped himself down and made himself comfortable, grabbing the tv remote from his bedside table before going through the channels. "So." He said, sitting up, looking at me. Why did I feel like an awkward teenager hiding a boy in my mums room?

"So." I looked away, knowing Alec was just as awkward as I was. With the adrenaline rushing through my veins, I pushed myself forward into him and pushed my lips against his. He was taken aback for a second, in all honesty so was I. Despite everything, I knew that this was what I wanted. To spend time with Alec. Knowing that I wasn't going to be able to do that for several months, it made me crave tonight even more. "Alec-" I went to say, but he pushed his lips further into mine and pushed me down on the bed.

His hand rested on my healing hip, carefully supporting himself above me as his hips rested in between my legs. His scruff was soft, just long enough not to irritate my lips.

As I pressed my hand against his chest, he pulled back, as if I told him to stop. "Did you-"

"No. I'm fine. I want this." I said, reminding me of the first night we slept together. Alec being there allowed me to sleep without being plagued with nightmares, and I was able to comfort him during his.

Alec nodded, leaning back down to me. His hand stayed carefully placed on my hip, the other on the mattress holding him above me.


"I'm going to miss you, you know." I said, circling my finger on his chest, tracing invisible patterns near his heart. It was childish to say really, but I knew that with his daughter coming to live with him, his focus would be repairing his relationship with her.

"We're working together, so-"

"I don't mean that." I said, taking a deep breath. "But I want you to help your daughter. She has an admirable man as a father, more that a lot of people can say." I sat up, holding the sheets under my arms as I thought about my own father.

"Alice..." I felt the bed shift as he gently leaned into me, his scruffy neck leaning on my shoulder. I knew that he didn't know what to say in these circumstances, but just his presence was calming enough.

"I'm fine. I'm the most ok I have been in a long time. That's thanks to you and Ellie." I turned my head to see his hair slightly fluffed, no doubt due to the way I was gripping the back of his head not long ago. "And now Broadchurch is safe from him, and anyone like him." At least that was what I had hopes for.

"If everything settles after Daisy has moved in, I would like you to meet her." Alec said, running his hand up and down my arm to comfort me.

I couldn't help but let out a smile, knowing that what Alec had said was serious. I could tell just by the way he talked about his daughter that she meant the world to him. "I would love that." I smiled, pecking his lips before unfurling the covers, grabbing the loose t-shirt that I had been wearing for bed. "I'm just going to wash and teeth." I said, seeing him nod before he too pushed the covers off to reach for some form of clothing.

After I had finished getting ready for bed, I came back out to Alec lightly snoring away, my bedside light the only one left on. It was illuminating his face, his brows slightly furrowed as he groaned lightly, reaching for my empty side of the bed. His head lifted slightly, as if to ask where I was, which made me chuckle slightly.

"I'm here." I whispered, turning my light off as I climbed into bed, immediately being pulled close to a radiator of a man in nothing but his boxers and a short sleeves t-shirt. "Goodnight, Alec." I sighed, loosening his arm around me slightly so his grip wasn't digging into my side, feeling his warmth making me sleepy. I tried to fight the feeling, for I wanted to savour it, but the need to close my eyes became too much, and as I felt myself drift off, a brief reply came from under his breath.

"I love you, Alice..."

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