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The drive home was silent, both of us too stubborn the start a dead end conversation that would have consisted of nothing but small talk. When we got to the house I made my way to the front door, Alec grabbing a few bags of shopping that he had left in the back seat, most likely just essentials that he would need to stay in the Traders for a few nights whilst the court case was on.

"Well, I'm going to go straight to bed." I said, about to make my way upstairs when Alec's hand stopped me.

"Don't do anything stupid." Was all he said, before letting go and taking a step back.

"What, like sleeping in?" I sarcastically answered, not quite sure what he meant.

"Just- just don't." He stuttered as he reiterated his point to me, making me nod before continuing up the stairs to the unmade bed from this morning. A sigh escaped my mouth as I closed the door behind me and I took a short pause whilst leaning on the doorframe. A lot had happened today, mostly things I would like to forget about.

"Why the hell did I say anything?" I groaned to myself, making my way to my side of the bed and stripping down to nothing, grabbing a baggy top from my bag in the corner of the room, thankfully still unpacked, slipping it on and climbing into bed. The sheets still smelt faintly of sex, the smell from both last night and this morning that I really didn't want in my nostrils right now.
"Urrgghhhhhhhhh." Holding my side I turned over to face the door, secretly hoping that he would poke his head through or knock on the door, but nothing happened.
Tossing and turning for the majority of the night I decided to give up on sleep and stared up at the ceiling for a while, thinking about everything that has gone down in the last few weeks. Ever since I had moved to this town I had caused a lot of drama, first with my misbehaving as a DS and now with Alan and the case... it was all a big clusterfuck.

"Alice? Are you awake?" Ellie knocked on my door, slightly startling me. At least I had gotten a few hours sleep I suppose.

"I'm up, I'm up." I said, raising my eyelids so that I could see her poking her head through the door. "Where's Hardy?" I asked, seeing her sigh.

"He's gone ahead. Said it was best that I take you in today." Opening the door, Ellie came in and sat on the corner of the bed, her hand gently laying over my foot. "I know it's a stupid question, but give me the courtesy of an answer. How are you feeling, about today?" She asked, and all I could do was sigh and shake my head.

"I honestly don't know what to feel." So many emotions were whirring through my head at the moment: fear, nervousness, anger, sadness, disappointment... "I just want to get through today and hope that we aren't in for months and months at a trial." Ellie nodded, agreeing.

"Right, I'm going to go and fix you some breakfast, and before you say anything you are bloody eating before the trial." I raised my hands as she made her way out of the room and into the kitchen, giving me a chance to get dressed.

Opening my door I smelt bacon, a smell my nose hadn't been blessed with in months.
"Ellie that smells so good." I groaned to the last two words, making her turn around. With a sandwich in her mouth.

"I don't know where Alec got your bacon from, but it's good." She nodded, pulling the sandwich away from her mouth and dipping it in some brown sauce. "Yours is just about ready." I couldn't help but giggle at Ellie's full mouth, slowly sitting down and grasping my side. Suddenly she turned to me with two halves of a bacon sandwich, my tastebuds watering at the delightful waft.
"Here." Handing me the plate I immediately took a bite, letting a sigh of pleasure out at how good bacon tasted.
"Oh my god." We both chuckled as I finished off the sandwich, only needing to get dressed before we made a move.

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