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Two days to go.

That was all that ran through my mind last night when I had fallen asleep in his arms. But luckily enough I had woken up before Alec, so I had time to compose myself before feeling him turn over, an interesting development poking into my back.

I couldn't help but giggle, hearing him stir. "What." He groaned, bringing an arm around my waist and pulling me in.

"If you don't know you might need to see a doctor." I chuckled, turning over.

"Oh for christ's sake." His eyes went all squinty as he bobbed his head from side to side, embarrassed. "It doesn't help that you're naked though, does it." He fluctuated his Scottish accent, which was a tell tale sign of his embarrassment.

"I don't mind." I shrugged, turning around to face him. "I mean... I can..." Going under the covers I pulled down his underwear, seeing a faint outline before softly clutching it in my hands, careful of my side, which stung slightly.

"Walker, what are you-" he stopped and groaned when I put it in my mouth, slowly bobbing up and down, quickening momentarily whenever he groaned. I felt his hands against my head over the bed sheets, gently guiding me down as I continued, suddenly hearing a door open.

"Miller what the bloody hell!" Alec exclaimed, pushing me down so that I was hidden, but it was a failed attempt. I tapped his leg and he let go, all I could hear was screaming and cursing from the duo.

"Jesus Christ! I'll meet you at the station!" Ellie called out, stomping down the stairs and slamming the door.
Putting my head between his thighs he lifted the duvet, seeing me laughing, holding my side. "Oh my god." Embarrassing was the understatement of the year.

"I didn't even hear her come in to the house, what the bloody hell was she doing coming in!" He was fuming, his eyes wide open and his nostrils flared.

"So much for a quiet morning." I pouted, sitting up. "Although..." I looked down, kneeling up and shuffling forwards. "I seem to have done a good job." I teased, crawling forwards carefully until I pecked his lips.
"Did you want to-" before I could finish he pushed his lips into mine, pulling me forwards onto his lap. Before either of us could think I was sat on him, gasping as I began to move, wincing a little.
"I can't." I said, feeling him roll us over so that he was on top. We continued, Alec a lot more frisky than last night. He seemed desperate to finish.
"Please, Sir." I mocked, moaning and pulling his hair as I felt his scruff along my neck, moving my whole body up as I felt myself tighten, contracting to make him finish.
It worked, his hips slamming into me as he grunted.
My eyes widened as he moved in and out slowly, finishing.

"Did you put a-" immediately he got out, standing up and put his underwear on.

"Shit!" He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "I was too bloody caught up in the moment." I nodded, sitting up.

"Yeah, tell me about it." I breathed, closing my eyes and looking down. "I-it's ok. We'll just call into the hospital on the way and I'll take a morning after pill. It'll be fine." I tried to assure us, but that had really worried me.
I hadn't taken any form of contraceptive for a few months, luckily although Alan had done many things, he was always using protection when he had.

"Right, lets get dressed and go." He said, slightly breathless. "Miller wants me down at the station." I nodded and he walked out, letting me stand and crumple back down.

"Fuck." My side was killing me after that, maybe a bit too rough after surgery, even if my stitches were out. Baring the pain through gritted teeth I got dressed and ready, seeing Hardy tie his tie as he walked down the stairs.

"Here." He offered me a hand and helped me carefully walk down, I was really feeling it today.

"Thank you." Everything seemed to be a rush at the moment. "Are we getting breakfast at the station?" I asked, and Alec shook his head.

"I'll take you to the hospital and then bring you back here. We can't have you at the station a day before your court case." Alec said, slipping his shoes on and helping me.

"What? Ellie said she wanted both of us-"

"And I've said I don't want you there. You've been suspended and are on sick pay until the case is over, Walker." The fact that he had called me by my last name said it all.

"Right, ok then." I wasn't in the mood to argue, in all honesty I had no strength in me. All I could think of was that Alec... Hardy, was using me like Alan was. "You can leave me at the hospital. I want to get my side checked out". I lied, just not wanting to be near him right now. After the morning after pill had been taken and maybe an extra prescription for some pain killers, I'd take a long walk down to the town, and if I could manage it, up the cliffs.

"You alright getting in?" He asked, pretending like he cared.

"Yup." I nodded, being civil but not wanting to let him on to my plan.

"Let me know when you get home. Use the landline." Alec said, helping me out of the car at the hospital entrance.

"It's not like I have a phone is it?" I snapped at him, making him frown.

"It's in evidence for your case, you know procedure." He snapped back. What was with him?!

"Yeah, you're right, sorry." I replied almost expressionless, walking into the hospital. My side was killing me, even after the pain killers, but I waited until he left to actually walk in.

"Hi, can I, er, see a doctor about a morning after pill?" God this was embarrassing.

"You can just go to a pharmacy for that darling. Unless you needed to see a doctor?" Feeling my side, I rested against the counter.

"I also need my dressings changed." Great, now she knew that I was having sex when I was meant to be resting.

"Right." The nurse said, looking slightly confused. "What's the name?"

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