Struggle for Trost Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Stop!, hold your advance now!"

Eren looked back to see a Garrison soldier was following them. Being a soldier meant he ranks higher than him and he decided to comply with the order and stop at a nearby building.

"Who is in charge of your squad ?" The soldier asked

"I am Sir!" Eren stepped forward.

"What are your orders?"

"To assist the front guard in holding the Titans at bay. Sir!"

"Well, cancel that order cadet, there is no front guard left to support, I am now ordering you now all to fall back to the HQ with me."

The cadets' eyes widen some of their went pale with this new info.

"But sir, with all due respect you cannot order us to fallback," Eren says determine not to lose his chance on having his revenge.

"I can, I am Captain Hermann of the Front Guard or you can say what left of it. I have a very vital informati..."

*Bang* Bang* Bang*

"That!" he said by pointing towards the source of the sound. "An unknown has entered through the breach and are engaging the titans as we speak. If weren't for those outsiders distracting a lot of titans towards them I would have been surely been Titan's morning meal. We have to inform the command at the HQ about this unknown force. Though we don't know their clear intentions we can still work with them save the city."

Soon more cannon fire could be heard again. But this time it was far closer.

"You three." pointing towards Armin, Carolina and another cadet. "Go through the middle section and inform any Cadet squads you meet to fall back towards the HQ. With the Titans Dwindling numbers, it will be easier for us to hold them there. And for rest of you follow me to meet the district commander, if I fall on the way, one of you must get this vital information to captain Woermann. Am I clear."

"But sir."

"No buts cadet. This is an order from a superior officer and you will obey no matter what or I will execute you for treason."

This effectively silenced Eren.

"Yes sir!" the replied.

"Good. Now move out!"

The squad split into two Armin and Carolina going towards the east where most of the Cadet squads have been deployed. While Eren grudgingly followed Hermann towards the HQ.

(20 Minutes later)

Armin sat on the ground holding his injured right hand from the fall. His left eye was closed due to the Blood pouring out from his wounded forehead. He couldn't comprehend what just happened a few minutes ago. After receiving orders from the captain his group went on to inform any cadet squads they encountered on the way. They were only able to locate only two squads before noticing their ODMs were nearly out of gas. Deciding it was time to fall back the group turned around towards the HQ but suddenly out of nowhere an abnormal titan ambushed them in mid-air. One of their members was caught by its jaws.

Knowing it was too late to save him they decided to move on but Carolina's cables were caught by a titan bringing her down. Armin hearing her cries for help turned around to rescue her squadmate. But at the very moment, he ran out of gas. He crashed on the stone-paved road with a thud and rolled several meters due to speed he was in during his fall. While trying to get up he found out his right arm was out of action, his left leg had a sprain and he was filled with cuts and bruises. The worst is his forehead.

Mustering all his strength he got up and began to walk using the nearby houses and objects as pillars. Hearing someone's cries he limped towards the spot only to find the couple Hanna and Franz present there.

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