I will be back before you know it.

Start from the beginning

I laughed, " Yea well I don't know how more rough he can get."

They both gasped, " What do you mean by that?"

" We did it."

Will start jumping on the couch, " OMG! THIS IS CRAZY!"

Mia start jumping up and down too, " GOD! I can't believe you didn't tell us."

I heard the door open and they immediately stopped jumping.

My mom walked in and looked at Mia and Will.

" Why are you two standing on my couch?"

They looked at each other and sat down, " Sorry mom."

She chuckled, " Hey Lily."

I stood up to give her a hug, " Hey mom."

" How are you?"

I nodded, " I'm good. Where did you come from."

" I was at the spa."

Will gasped, " You didn't take me??"

She laughed, " I'm sorry hon, next time I will take you."

He nodded, " Deal."

" Well I'm going to start on dinner, are you two staying?"

Mia scoffed, " What type of question is that?"

My mom nodded, " Right silly me. But stay off the couch."


We had dinner but Mia and Will had to go home because they both had some project to do.

I was laying and bed and decided to call Hunter.

After the second ring he picked up.

" Hello."

I smiled, " Hello."

" What's up princess?"

" Nothing much, I'm bored."

He chuckled, " You are always bored."

" Hey! Not true. What are you doing?"

" Umm... I'm packing some things up."

Oh. Yes, he's leaving in a few months but I dreaded everyday and I will especially dread that day.

" Oh okay."

" Princess."

" Yea."

" I love you."

My eyes start getting watery. God I can't cry.

" I love you too."

" It will be okay."

That was it, I start crying and I knew he heard it.

" Princess, please don't cry. We still have a couple months."

" I know."

" How are you feeling?"

I knew what he was talking about. Last night.

" Ha. Very funny, I was sore but not anymore."

He laughed, " Mhmm wonder why?"

" Yea so do I."

And just like that the mood changed.

" Well bad boy I'm going to go take a shower so I will call you later."

" Can I join?"

My cheeks start getting hot and I'm glad he couldn't see it.

" Gosh. Stoppp."

He laughed, " I'm kidding but okay I love you."

" Love you."


Hunters POV

" Brother!"

" I'm in here Cole!"

Come came in my room with marshmallows. He had to two in his mouth and since his mouth was small already one was falling out.  Then he took the one out his mouth and tried to hand it to me.

" Do you  want one?"

I laughed, " No thank you."

He shrugged, " More for me."

He sat on my bed and watched me pack.

" Brother."

" Yes?"

" Are you going to get rid of the bad guys?"

I looked at him and man I'm going to miss him.  It's going to be hard to leave him. He was one of the first people I fell in love with and he's my best friend.

" Yes, and I'm going to come back and we are going to beat up Christian together."

" Are you leaving for a long time?"

I shook my head, not wanting to tell him the actual truth, " I will be back before you know it."

He nodded and stuffed another marshmallow in his mouth.  After he got done he grabbed my phone on the bed.

He opened it and saw my lock-screen. It was a picture I took of him with one of his costume on.

" I like this picture. I look good don't you think?"

I laughed, "  Yes you do. Just like Batman."

" Cole!"

It was my mom.

" Coming Mama!"

He got off of my bed and walked out.

Huh he didn't say bye. Rude.

Then my door opened again and Cole came back. So he is going to say bye.

But no he went to my bed and grabbed the marshmallows, " Can't forget these."

" Bye Cole!"

" See ya Brother!"

I laughed and finished packing.


Well I finally got that out.

I been going through a writers block so if this chapter is like eh like I feel it is sorry.

I had to get something out.

Vote or don't byeeee ♥️

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