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I wake up to whispering. The gum in my mouth is still minty and not melted in my mouth. I slowly start to chew the gum to get the bad breath taste out my mouth. my eyes open slowly, dick head and cutie is in the corner, whispering to each other. "Dick head can you take me to a bathroom" I say with a raspy voice. Cutie and dick jumps and then looks over at me. "No bitch, pee on yourself." He says getting in my face. I look up and spit my gum right in his face, which lands right in the middle of his forehead. "Ohhh, bulls eye bitch." I chuckle. He looks me in my eyes with so much anger. Then he slaps the shit out of me. "Ohhh, bulls eyes bitch." He mocks. This nigga just slapped me. I can't wait until I get the fuck out of this chair, imma whoop his da-monkey ass. But let's play it cool like it didn't hurt. "Okay so now that we had our fun, what the fuck you want from me." I say looking down at my leg. "Well we need you. Your the best hit-man or hit-women, it took everything for us to find you since you change your appearance a lot. And know we kidnapped you so we can help you, advance your techniques and help keep you better protected. The only reason we found you was because I just so happened to be the best hacker so I hacked your laptop that you use to contact people and then I got your IP then after that I tracked it back to you then I linked a GPS to your phone and then we followed you tonight. The shooting wasn't planned, we don't know who it is that was shooting." Lil boonk explains to me while I go over all the information I was served. "Okay I get that, so am I gonna be kidnapped for long." I asked looking up. "If push comes to shove, yes but other wise no." Dick says to me. "The fuck is that supposed to mean asshole." A pain hits my face. I know this nigga did not just smack me again. Bet. "You hit like a pussy, anyways, so can I be untied now. I really have to use the bathroom." I say looking at the both of them. "Do you promise to behave." Lil boonk ask me. I cross my fingers behind my back. "I promise." I smile at him while he cuts me loose. When I'm untied I run up to dick and punch his ass dead in the dick then follow up with a clean right hook to the jaw, making him groan. "Bitch don't you ever put yo hands on me no more, you thought I was gonna let that slide nigga." Lil boonk runs up behind me and pulls me back. "Lady you said you would be good." He say walking me out the room. "I had my finger crossed behind my back, so... but sorry I wanted to get him back." I say to him while he walks behind me while my arms are being held like I'm under arrest. We stop  at a door. "You know I like this position we are in right now, I just rather you pull my hair while cuffs is on me." I say in a sexual way as I arch my back and push my ass on his area. His body tenses up, and he stay still. "Go head, pull my hair a little,  but keep holding my hands behind my back." I say moving my hips on him. I feel his man stiffen on my ass, and let's just say it ain't little at all. He backs up then open the door for me. "Don't start nothing you can't finish ma" he says in a husky voice. I can see the lust in his eyes. "How about you come find out daddy" I say in a sexy voice while I pull him in the bathroom then close the door. If I seduce him that means he will do whatever I want. I look up at him as I put my hands down his pants touching his man hood. He groans with pleasure. He picks me up and sits me on the sink. We start kissing while I Palm his man hood. He takes me off the sink and turns me around. He holds both of my hands with one of his. He slides his hand up my dress and pull my panties to the side. The door flies open me and lil boonk jump and dick looks mad as fuck. "Really nigga" he yells as he pushes lil boonk making his body slam into mines. Well plan A didn't work "You use the bathroom , you get the hell out, we have to talk." Dick wipe says. They both walk out so I decide to take a quick shower. While I'm in the shower I think of a way to seduce lil boonk. When I get out the shower, I throw my clothes away then walk out the bathroom completely naked. Dick and lil boonk is no where to be found so I walk down the hall way. The hallway is beautiful, these people must be rich because they have marble floors. I approached a room I assume to be the living room. Low and behold lil boonk and dick is sitting on the couch playing the PlayStation 4. Boys. Well let's have some fun, shall we. I walk to go stand in front of the tv. "Hey boys can I have some panties and a bra." I say bitting my lip and covering my titties with one arm and my coochie with my other hand. The boys go pale. Well let's take it up a notch. I drop my hands and walk to them swaying my hips side to side. "Or I can walk around like this, I'm cool with that also." I say as I take a seat right in between them. Lil boonk and dick tense when I sit down. "Umm, uhh, lil boob, I mean lil boonk, go to the mall and get her 2000 dollars worth of clothes, actually make it 5000." Dick says stammering over his words. Lil boonk rises up and get the keys off the key rack. Which have 13 other car keys on it. "Let me right down my sizes for you." I say as I get up and bend over in front of both of them, to right on the sticky notes in the middle of the coffee table. "God, why are you doing this to me, please, please stop." dick whisper to his self. I hand lil boonk the sticky note and just to be a bitch, I give him a hug. "Thanks lil boonk, your a life saver." I pull back and kiss him quickly. I turn around and walk out the living room to the next room which I'm guessing is the kitchen. I'm right again. I open the fridge and bend fully over. "What are you doing." I hear dick call out to me from the living room. I hear him get up and walk to the kitchen. I raise my head up so I can see over the fridge door. "I'm starving" he finally walks in the kitchen. I close the fridge and turn around and open the cabinet behind me. Plan B in full affect. "Can you reach this for me." I say pointing at the highest shelf. He walks over and I move so he can reach the top. "What do you want." He says turning around. I walk up to him and press my body on his. "Never mind that." I say bitting my lip looking at him. "No girl, move, don't do this." He says as he try to push me back. I kiss him. But he breaks the kiss and push me back. "STOP." He booms at me. Then he walks away, going back into the living room. The game starts back up. Well take 2. I walk in the living room and straddle his waist, I trap his head between my arms. "Listen, I'm sorry I hit you." I say grinding my hips on him. "N-no just stop." He stammers as I feel him get excited. I attack his neck while grinding my hips harder. He groans in pleasure. I get up but he pulls me back down. "You started so your gonna get what you deserve." He says with pure lust in his eyes. Yes I got him now. " imma go take a nap call me when lil boonk comes back with clothes." I say as I get up and walk up stairs. I literally don't know where I'm going so Im just gonna open every single door I pass. So far I passed a bathroom. The next room I past look like lil boonk room because he had a picture of him on the wall. I walk and and go to his dresser and pull out some polo boxers and  a polo v neck t-shirt and throw it on. I walk over to his bed and lay down. Oh my God this bed is so soft. I get comfortable and next thing I know, lights was out for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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