“You’d run around with a dust pan full of flour, sugar, egg shells, and chocolate chips?”

“If it meant I got to throw it on you.”

Their voices faded as they walked down the hallway and I shook my head at the ridiculousness of it. I admired Keri for trying to be strong, but I knew deep down she was hurt by Leroy. I was going to have to stick my nose in his business and find out just where his head was. Keri would be on a mission of mass seduction today, most likely to soothe her bruised ego. How was Leroy going to feel about that? Would he care? Based on his actions this morning, probably not, but who knew.

Another slimy trail of egg yolk rolled down the side of my head kicking me into action. I gathered some clothes, choosing my pink and black bikini instead of underwear, and headed for the shower. I was thorough, but quick. I didn’t want to risk the wrath of Keri if I didn’t help her. When I was done, I gave my hair a quick blow dry and slipped on my bikini. My blue shorts and black tank top went over it. I skipped make up, knowing I was planning on taking a dip in the pool later, but settled for some of my berry lip gloss. Checking my reflection, I looked much better. Too bad I hadn’t greeted Caleb at the door like this.

Thinking of Caleb brought up some questions. How did he feel about what happened last night? Would he act like Leroy and pretend we never kissed? How should I act around him? Why am I so worried about this?

I didn’t know the answers to the first three questions, but I definitely knew the answer to the fourth. I liked this guy, a lot. It was an uneasy feeling, though. I just got out of a long term relationship with the only guy I’ve ever loved a week ago. Wasn’t it too soon to start having feelings for someone new? How did I know these feelings were genuine and not just my bruised heart seeking a way to fill up the hole Blayne made?

I touched my lips and remembered the kiss. Just thinking of it had my cheeks blushing. I wasn’t sure exactly what was happening and if it was the right thing for me, or if Caleb felt the same. What I did know is that whatever the case, I wouldn’t mind a few more kisses like the one we shared last night.

Nope, I wouldn’t mind at all.

With a happy smile on my face, I started for the kitchen. When I reached there, I was surprised to see it was already clean. How long was I in the shower? Better question, where was Keri and how mad was she?

Slowly walking through the kitchen to the back door, I cautiously looked over my shoulder to make sure she wasn’t waiting till I turned my back to pounce on me. Relieved to see no one behind me, I placed my hand on the door knob and pushed it open a smidge, then took a peek. I looked out at our deck and saw more people had arrived while I was gone. There were about fifteen guys now, and a few girls. I recognized some of them as being the girlfriends of players, but there were five or six girls that were from our cheer squad. I felt ridiculous peeking out into my own back yard, but I still hadn’t spotted Keri yet, so I wasn’t sure if she was out to get me or not.

“Whatcha doing?”

I swung to face Leah with a hand on my chest to stop my heart from bursting through it, “Don’t do that!”

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