Easily Forgotten

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By lunch, any thought that Becca’s arrival was no big deal had completely diminished. 

Having your boyfriends undivided attention on someone other than you is a bit disconcerting and something that has been grating on my nerves all morning. As I sat pushing my favorite banana pancakes around my plate, I couldn’t bear to take a bite of it. Not only because my stomach felt like it had been punched several times, but also because I was grinding my teeth so hard I would probably break the plastic fork into pieces if I dared bring it to my mouth. Sitting next to your boyfriend for three classes and then lunch while he completely forgets about you, other than shooting small smiles your way here or there like a bread crumb offering to assure you he hasn’t completely forgotten you, and sits enraptured by the blonde goddess before him as they catch up on their past two years apart will have that stomach punching teeth grinding effect on you.

I ignored the curious expressions being sent my way as well as a few glares from the boys in my group that were directed towards Blayne. Call me a coward but I didn’t want to face them, knowing that my façade of normalcy was slowly fading. I also knew they would call me seven kinds of stupid for letting Blayne do what he was doing, even though he was completely oblivious to the effect his newly formed relationship with his ex was having on me.

I was trying to be the non-jealous, supportive girlfriend. I was trying to trust him, and in him that at the end of the day when they had done all the catching up they needed, that he would have it out of his system and return to being the very loving and attentive boyfriend I’ve always known.

That’s what good girlfriends did, right?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Becca’s hand touch the top of Blayne’s, for what had to have been the fourth time since we all sat down together, as she laughed while remembering another scrape the two of them had gotten into when they were young. My back stiffened at the encounter and had I been a character in one of my favorite werewolf stories I would have growled at the fact that Blayne didn’t try to remove his hand, but instead grabbed it in what was supposed to be a friendly manner but lasted a bit too long for that to be plausible.

Silence descended on our little lunch table as everyone took notice of what was happening before our eyes and only the screech of my plastic fork on the foam plate where my forgotten pancakes lay was able to break it, shaking Blayne from his little world with Becca as he sheepishly moved his hand away from hers.

I didn’t miss the frown she quickly hid with a smile as our eyes met. Blayne finally turned his attention towards me, “Hey babe, why aren’t you eating those? They’re you’re favorite.”

I wanted to kick myself for the urge to jump with joy that he was including me in a conversation for the first time since this morning, but any joy I felt was short lived as Becca once again made her presence known. “Are those your mom’s famous banana pancakes?”

Blaynes eyes left me in a flash to return once again to the blonde that was fast becoming the bane of my existence. “Yeah, they are. They’re Lylah’s favorite.”

“Mmmm, they smell just like I remember. You’re mom always made the best breakfasts. They were always the best part of our mornings and much needed after the nights we used to share.” she gushed, unaware of the shock her words created within our group or the discomfort it caused Blayne.

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